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you are a tool

About Me

I have a affinity for the earth. a natural un-natural compassion. (a contradiction in its self. ) born infantile knowing nothing but grew to "love" this beautifully polluted place. and having the up most difficultly in finding understanding in the in human human race.//////What makes mankind tragic is not that they are the victims of nature, it is that they are conscious of it. Joseph Conrad.You should read between the lies. And open your eye's........................................And if you are a racist,sexist or homophobic whore then do not add/talk to me. and go fuck off. have a good day.udGhpcw==">..
.. ...... .. .. .. ..Ignorance then is the speciesist's first line of defense. Yet it is easily breached by anyone with the time and determination to find out the truth. Ignorance has prevailed so long only because people do not want to find out the truth.animal liberation.................................................. .........................................................."C attle- ranching" is the number one cause of amazonian deforestation in central america. two thirds of the rain forests have been cleared primarily to raise "cattle"Raising animals for food requires more than one third of all raw materials and fossil fuels used in the U.S.The "meat" industry causes more water pollution in the U.S than all other industries combined. more than 10 billion animals are raised and killed for food every year in the U.S alone animals have to eat and their waste has to go somewhere. peta................................................... go green = new trend let's all save the world now not because we want to really save it but you see where your place on the earth is going and you don't want that oh no my home the kid's the future we have to do something let's recycle and talk about global warming. let's wait till every thing on and in the earth is running out for human's to thrive on and rob. so you see the main part of the population does not give a fuck about you your kid's the earth in it self or any thing they don't need for their almost perfect lie for a life that i and any one who is not brain dead doesn't fit in to .we are not on the guest list you the animals the earth are not cared about never have never will. we are all fucked get over it buy it up sell out it on sale hurry cus it isnt going to last much longer and i cant wait. example: the clorox company has a new line of cleaning products called "green works. natural cleaner."on the back of all these green works packaging it list"we believe that natural cleaning products should: *work as well as traditional cleaners. *be made from plant and mineral ingredients. *use biodegradable ingredients. *never be tested on animals." this is the same company that was putting bleach in rabbits eyes to see how it would effect the eyes of a person that had got it in their eyes. how the hell do you think it is going to effect the eye ball? IT IS BLEACH . IT WILL HURT THE EYES. these people all of a sudden have a change of heart or a they know that the mass public is attempting to care about a few things now and these big bull shit company's are like we are going to lose some of our beloved customer's and we might even win over some of the tree huggers as well so lets make some earth friendly products . but it is a step for these company's a small and sad step for what they have done since the dawn of rapeing the earth. but a over do step is better than no step. have a great day god bless.....................................

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

your mom so i can ask her why she has a kid.and your so called god. oh never mind god is not real but if it was i would rape him. har har har i can be vary corny some times i can't help it .it helps me cope day to day.B153-00C04F79FAA6" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="255" width="255"> .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

My Blog

You where born free....

Nothing will CHANGE .some things will alter for a moment for the masses viewing pleasure. their is no harmony ,no sanctuary ,no peace , no change. CHANGE: we may change,who we bomb...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 10:55:00 GMT


If god was real he died today. "Thou shalt not kill. Murder. The fifth commandment. But if you think about it...if you think about it, religion has never really had a problem with murder. Not really. ...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 05:10:00 GMT

you and me

we are the problem we are the solution. [kill yourself today for a better world] vote you are a tool for president in o8 all the real problems will vanish for good** or at least...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 03:41:00 GMT


Alma 3: 6- 'And the skins of the Lamanites were dark, according to the mark which was set upon their fathers, which was a curse upon them because of their transgression and their rebellion against the...
Posted by on Fri, 16 May 2008 02:22:00 GMT