Cadence Creed (is on itunes) profile picture

Cadence Creed (is on itunes)

About Me

Cadence Creed is a manifestation of individual musical influence and perceptions of what is happening around us. Influences such as metal, techno, funk, hiphop, and rock have created a sound thats heavy, rythmic, and trance like thats sure to make you move. This sound along with its angry edge have molded Cadence Creed into its own unique persona. Cadence Creed is ready to rock the radio waves and minds of the world!!!
Welcome to Cadence Creed’s My Space Page... Here are a couple things you should know:
1.This page is run completely by the band, we read every email and comment!
2.If we do not respond to your email or comment please do not be mad, we love and appreciate all the support you give us but its hard to get back to everyone.
3.We are a band whos success has come solely from you, our friends and fans. Anything you can do to raise awareness for our band means the world to us. So if you feel like helping us join the fight please feel free to tell your friends, post bulletins, and share our music with anyone and everyone!!
Lot's of love for you all
Our debut album Break Before Dawn is now available at these Digital retailers
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My Interests


Member Since: 7/20/2007
Band Members: Denny Martin: guitar/vocals Chris payne: Drums
Record Label: TPF
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Cut n' Dry Talent radio interview

Thank again to Cut n' Dry Talent Radio for having us out!You can also find this interview on itunes just search Cut n' Dry Talent Radio in the itunes store search Its free.Los Angeles based musical du...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 13:25:00 GMT

other places to find Cadence Creed  Listen or look for us  
Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 12:52:00 GMT

Request us on X103.9

Help us get played on X103.9's local music spotlight!   local music spotlight sundays at 9pm Call: X-lines 909-890-1010 Email promo guy  [email protected] Myspace message: http:/...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 16:07:00 GMT