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music. anything outdoors. or, outdoor music festivals. fishing, hiking, biking, camping & skiing. hanging out w/ my friends & having deep, & meaningful conversations. i am also interested in and/or studying wicca, pagans, shamanism, herbology, apothecary, aromatherapy, & various avenues of holistic healing.
a travelling circus family of tight rope walkers from romania, henry rollins and jim morrison at the age of 25!
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i respect all music. but, i'm not such a fan of, gangsta rap, and really twangy-cry in your beer-country! other than those, i am pretty much game for whatever. especially dub, trip-hop, drum n' bass, (many nights were spent at a rave...:), the obscure, and underground. what am i playing right now? i am really into kan'nal, blue turtle seduction, delta nove, yamn, chris murphy, ted russell kamp, r.l. burnside, and modest mouse's new album. oh, and willie nelson, merle haggard & ray price's recent project together. Other than those, there are too many to list! Check out my playlist...this video from bjork is one of my theme songs!...
i appreciate all genres of film. however, i really like independent films (i live in the town where sundance film festival takes place). i thoroughly enjoy slap your knee so hard-you end up bruising yourself-and then peeing your pants-comedy. my all-time favorites are: badder santa, the jerk, o brother where art thou?, raising arizona, dirty rotten scoundrels, (basically any coen bros. film) best in show, shawshank redemption, little miss sunshine, thelma & louise, the big lebowski, being john malkovich, memento, house of 1000 corpses, the devil's rejects, life of brian, napoleon dynamite, ferris bueller's day off, the princess bride, spaceballs, the serpent & the rainbow, naked lunch, trainspotting, a clockwork orange, baraka, a river runs through it, the sound of music (i watch it every year on t.v. & sob like a little puppy), pulp fiction, resevoir dogs, any robert rodriguez, or tarantino flick, and thats all i can think of for now...oh wait, i almost forgot the man, stanley kubrick's films!
i go through phases where i watch alot, and then i won't for months. but, as of late, it would be dog the bounty hunter, little people big world, life in the ER, Deadwood, CSI:Miami & Vegas, Nip/Tuck & Reno 911, because the latter causes me to giggle uncontrollably, almost to the point of laughing like a horse. well, come to think of it, it does just that!
any and all from: carlos castenada, george orwell, aldous huxley, the recently late kurt vonnegut, may he R.I.P., charles bukowski, carl sagan, carl jung, william s. burroughs, allen ginsberg, jack kerouac, hunter s. thompson, aleister crowley, and tom robbins for fun! oh, and i read Walden when i need to go to sleep...and when i need a reality check, i read the "Power of One."
my mamacita (goddess rest her soul), my sister debra, margaret mead, janis joplin, lucille ball (who was actually a natural blonde), carol burnett, amelia earhart, tori amos, mary magdalene,(even though i'm not a Christian) and ME, MYSELF & I!