God...Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...
Courage to change the things I can... And
the wisdom to know the difference.
Anique Daniels...or....
Daniel DelaCerda...either way, i love him
No work ethic....hahaha
There can ONLY be SEVEN!!!
Whatchu know about dese girls?!
aych's 22nd birthday at funky buddha lounge
Chewy loves his mama =)
someone wanted to come!
He likes me...hee hee hee
i worked out so hard to look like this for a WEEK!
i don't know what we were thinking?! yeah...a lot of alcohol was involved!
ALL 18 OF US!!!
someone who wants to meet me : Someone who is a little bit like me : someone who will send flowers without having done something wrong to initiate the sentiment : someone who supports my goals and aspirations : someone who understands that hair and make up are MY artful expressions : someone that works on supporting himself rather than worrying about supporting me : someone who will confort me when i cry instead of making it worse : someone who will stay up with me all night when i need to talk : someone who will peacefully go to sleep when i'm tired and the argument isn't worth losing sleep over : someone who is open to change, new experiences, and new people : someone who appreciates me & treats me the way i deserve : someone who doesn't just like me- someone who adores me :
"...Always get what you want rather than settling for less than you deserve..."
chAr...WhAt yOu AlWaYs TrYnA LiCk MaH fAcE FoR??
yeah...strippers...what can i say?!
Family Reunion 2006
the puppies had a lil birthday party!!