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Straight through your face

About Me

The Atman Principles

To thread the sharp edge of a sword,
To run on smooth-frozen ice,
One needs no footsteps to follow.
Walk over the cliffs with hands free.

It is better to realize mind than body.
When the mind is realized one need not worry about body.
When mind and body become one,
The man is free, then he desires no praising.

When the hubless wheel turns,
Master or no master can stop it.
It turns above heaven and below earth,
South, north, east and west.

The light of the eyes is as a comet,
And one's activity is as lightning.
The sword that kills the man,
Is the sword that saves the man

The great path has no gates,
Thousands of roads enter it.
When one passes through this gateless gate,
He walks freely between heaven and earth.

Okay, let's cut to the chase. There's a few things you need to know about me before you even attempt to add me. If you can't hold an inteligent conversation, voted for G. "Dub-yuh", can't read at the appropriate grade level, don't understand the love/hate relationship that all New Yorkers have for their hometown, all of the above or any in between; believe me I'm not interested. We won't relate or have anything interesting to talk about or in common. I'm a cynical, 24 year old that loves to make jokes as much as I love to make music and learn new things about myself and surrounding world. I like going to pubs and concerts, that's what I do, that's my world (especially after work). I love all things Kung-fu (gungfu), hate listening to the radio with some exceptions here and there and I love to eat almost as much as I rant.

CaNcErO AnUeRySm or blackheartinglas on aim.

My Interests

Movies, MUSIC (my soul), Warwick basses (the best you'll find on Earth *GROANS*), guitars, pick ups, pubs, Kung-Fu, Video Games, Philosophy, Atman Principles, Politics, tv, radio (not anymore since they're trying to get rid of what people want to actually hear *Fumes* BAH!), cheese and tons of food :-D

I'd like to meet:

Um...I don't know. I'm open to meet anyone and anything this universe has to offer until I pass into the next one. Pretty much the people on my list if I don't know them already (I already know most of them). Maybe a genie to grant my wishes or something ? *shrugs* I guess just anyone that isn't going to be boring and can hold a decent and intelligent conversation while still being an idiot (in the fun stupid way not actual idiots) at the same time. Just some interesting souls that know how to have fun be it streaking down a city street on a dare or being a dork and throwing wet tissue balls at the ceiling in the bathroom like we all know we did in Junior High, or just going to a concert or a bar or just sitting there and veg-ing out (Insert random Bill and Ted "Whoa").

What metal band are you?
You are Opeth! You are very poetic with your lyrics, and your music flows like a waterfall. Your emotions change from angry to sad very quickly. Some people don't like you because you can sound too depressing. You're one of the best metal bands in the world, and you worship your fans!

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Soundgarden , Alice In Chains, Jedi Mind Tricks, Nirvana, Green Day, Tool, Royce da 5'9", Public Enemy, Anthrax, A Perfect Circle, God Head, Marilyn Manson, Cradle Of Filth, M.O.P, KoRn, Sean Price, Slayer, Disturbed, Sublime, Wu-Tang Clan (O.D.B. R.I.P.), D-12 (sometimes) & Eminem, NWA, Public Enemy, Arch Enemy, CKY, Cannibal Corpse, Tonic, Third Eye Blind, Pearl Jam, Wumpscut, Nothingface, Sepultura, Emperor, Black Sabbath, Kittie, MuDvAyNe, SlipKnot, Stone Temple Pilots, Eve 6 (yeah I know but still...), Sex Pistols, B52's, Sticky Fingaz, OLD Metallica, Everclear, Big Pun, GZA, Busta Rhymes, Goo Goo Dolls, Mushroom Head, Garbage, Incubus, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Led Zeplin, Lead Belly, Buddy Guy, Luis Armstrong, ORGY, Mindless Self-Indulgence, Porno For Pyros, Pantera, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Soil, Otep, Meshugga, Machine Head, The Tea Party, My Dying Bride, Rammstein, Foo Fighters, The Living End...yeah that's enough for now, I love music, too much maybe...*Squirms*


Ong Bak, The New Big Boss, Method Man, Saw, Saw 2, Shoalin Challenges Ninja, Fighting Mad, Bum Fights, Born Invincible, Team American, Roots, Finding Nemo, Finding Forester, Road Trip, Euro Trip, American Pie (the whole series), Scarface, Live Dosage, The Wall, Amaedeus, Resident Evil, 28 Days Later, The Matrix, Last Tour On Earth, The One, Police Story, May, Trainspotting, Hannibal, 2Fast 2Furious, X- Men, Robin Hood Men In Tights, Spiderman, Gone In Sixty Seconds, Run Lola Run, Preditor, XXX, Man Apart, Clerks, Falling Down, Robocop, Terminator, Volcano High, Romeo And Juliet, Teeth, Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back, Dogma, Head Of State, Crime Story, Dawn Of The Dead...


AQUA TEEN HUNGER FORCE, Inuyasha, Dragon Ball Z, Anything With Forensics such as Autopsy, Stroker and Hoop, America Undercover, The Man Show, OZ, Duck Man, Yankees games, Chapelle Show, Anything on the Discovery channel (especially about serial killers), Anything about WWII, Nova, Modern Marvels, Insomniac, Head Banger's Ball (I'm glad they brought it back but we all know this ain't like the old one), School House Rock, The Snorks, Different Strokes, Family Ties, Webster, Yoga with Wai Lana, The Young Ones, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Are you being served?, Benny Hill, Painting With Bob Ross, South Park, the kung fu movies and sitcoms on the chinese channel...


Tao Of Jeet Kun Do, Sun Tzu's Art Of War, Cat's Cradle, The House On Mango Street, Pines, Apt Pupil, Catcher In The Rye, Ninja Mind Control, Guitar World... I took a writing class taught by Jan Ramjerdi, I've read some of her stuff and it's very good and out there, you should check it out.


The Shoalin Monks, Sun Tzu, Shaka Zulu, Kurt Cobain, Huang Fei Hung, Jet Li, Brandon Lee, Bruce Lee, Ghangis Kahn, GZA of Wu-Tang, Canibus, George Carlin, Ryknow/RU-D/Ryan of MuDvAyNe, Vegeta, Miguel Bain, Sancho Santiago, Gustavo, My Mom...

My Blog

Reasons I pray for WWIII

The survivors can finally make the world better. We will finally all be in peace. No more sending our youth, poor or minorities to fight pointless wars. No more pulling puppet strings to quiet the mas...
Posted by Onikage" on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 05:30:00 PST

The very reason chivalry is dead.

I can tell you why with one word...Abuse. If I hold the door for you or give up my seat on the train it would be nice to be shown some form of gratitude because it's not mandated that I do so. Just be...
Posted by Onikage" on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 05:29:00 PST

I don't know so don't ask me.

Tired... I get out of my bartending class at 10 and stopped for food and drink and then fell asleep on the train. Now it's 130 and I'm waiting for the bus to go home. Hoorray!!
Posted by Onikage" on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:11:00 PST


I drink too much...I'm confused. What is my next move. Who do I have rescue this time? I'm not supposed to be your hero. The killing the terror the anger and depression and them. Then the drinking. Mo...
Posted by Onikage" on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 11:44:00 PST


God help me I can't see beginning with it now without it in myself to realize all I know inside isn't mine in your eyes. Here in my shell fearing the dawn awaken now the me that's open to light. You s...
Posted by Onikage" on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 07:31:00 PST

I don't know...

Lately it seems to all about choices, drives, obligations and proving something I already know to people that don't. I'm starting to feel a little weary and beaten up again. I have so many things I ne...
Posted by Onikage" on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 12:02:00 PST


i've made a few really good friends over this past year. You meet people everyday but you never know when you'll meet someone that's actually worth the time and energy of letting them into that specia...
Posted by Onikage" on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:05:00 PST

Another week in my world...er...um..what's left of it.

I love the fact that I can be kicked out of a house, get in a four car pile up, have the bus I'm in clip a car and start swerving around, amongst other things and less than a handful of people actuall...
Posted by Onikage" on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 07:10:00 PST

A Re-post but it seems relevant enough

I really like this song and it just keeps playing in my head and I feel like I should put it back up here maybe for the hell of it or maybe someone can step inside my mind even for a second if not for...
Posted by Onikage" on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 01:25:00 PST

Where are you, Who are you?

I'm lying here at night thinking to myself wondering these wandering thoughts that fill my core with emptiness I've seen your face many times in many places in my life only to see it wash away in...
Posted by Onikage" on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 12:53:00 PST