My toes are always cold. profile picture

My toes are always cold.

I'm gonna yah mo burn this place to the ground

About Me

People who use derogatory terms in their everyday speech are poeple I dont need to know. I dont think you gain a whole lot as a person by cutting people down for things they cant their skin color or heritage. We are all generally the same, our level of knowlege is what bans like minds together, not color lines or county lines. Grow up if your this type of person please know we have nothing in common...on the other hand a jokes a joke.“Samantha: I am always surprised when people leave New York, I mean where do they go?Miranda: the "real world"Samantha :A homeless man showed me his dick on the way here it doesn’t get any realer than that.”

My Interests

"That's the thing about needs. Sometimes when you get them met, you don't need them anymore."80's music, 89x, aaron karo, animals, anne rice, b movies, balloons, beer, belize, books, boondock saints, boyfriends, boys, bros, caffeine, camping, carpet, cars, carts, cds, chairs, chicken, cigarettes, clocks, coffee, coke, compaq, computers, croutons, darts, diet coke, drawing, driving, drugs, dvds, eminem, excellence, family, farts, fax machines, felt, fleet, football, friends, friz, fros, games, heat, heather rogers, henry rollins, high fidelity, horror movies, ice, internet, ipaq, jack black, jane, jazz, jesus, jim morrison, john cusack, judges, kevin smith, kites, knees, lights, liquor, little people, lunch, maxim, men, money, monsters, mountains, movies, music, my amy, my car, my dad, napster, nerds, newport, paper, paperclips, pens, phones, pictures, pillows, poop, pot, reading, riddles, rollerblading, rolling stone, running, scanners, scotch tape, sex, shawn fanning, shoes, shopping, shot glasses, showers, simpsons, skis, sleeping, smiles, smither, smoking, snow, snow skiing, soundtracks, spatulas, sprint, sprite, summer, swimming, tacks, talking, that 70s show, the beach, the doors, things that beep, things that glow, toes, tomfoolery, tulips, vampires, vinegar, vino, walks, water, waxed floss, weapons of mass destruction, wheels, wicca, wjlb, work, writing, your dad, your mom,

I'd like to meet:

Other people who this this is funny..."-Bush invaded a sovereign nation in defiance of the U.N....He's a war criminal, and now I have to be one of his disposable thugs with a fucking target on my head in the middle of the desert waiting to be blown up by a car bomb rigged by a 12 year old who loved Friends and Metallica until one of our missiles blew up his house?! I don't think so.-They had wepons of mass destruction-THERE WERE NO WEPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!-No? Well, whatever. Look, I got alot of shit to do-Name me one thing you have to do that's more important than the corporate take over of our democracy!" (From Weeds)


Whatever my Sirius plays I listen to...Howard 100 & 101, Ch 13,14,15,40, em...and my stiletto too.


Mallrats, Beer League, Half Baked, Good Will hunting, Harvard Man, Almost Famous, An Affair to Remember, Brokendown Palace, High Fidelity, Say Anything, Fight Club,Boondock Saints,Lock stock and two smoking barrels, Layercake ,GoodFellas


Sex and the City, ALIAS, Simpsons, Entourage, Sapranos, Weeds, Lost, Friends, 30 Rock, SNL, MAD TV, Howard TV, Big Love,Deadliest Catch,Planet Earth,


Patrica Cornwell


People who accomplish goals, even if they are small ones. Christopher Hitchens-The smartest man in the room

My Blog

Trent Tomlinson-'Drunker than me' so funny!

Well, lately I been noticin' a gradual escalation,In your inability to handle your libation.Go zero to sixty,When you get on the whiskey.Well, used to be a glass of wine an' you'd be fine all evenin'....
Posted by My toes are always cold. on Tue, 22 May 2007 09:41:00 PST

10th anniversary "retro-ruminations"

As part of celebrating the ten-year anniversary of RUMINATIONS, throughout the year I will be "re-issuing" some of my favorite past columns.  This week's "retro-ruminations" is from three years ...
Posted by My toes are always cold. on Mon, 21 May 2007 08:18:00 PST

Jeremy Morales ..> MORALES JEREMY A February 25, 2007 Age 26. Taken suddenly February 22, 2007. Loving son of Monica (Naoum) Leal and the late Lar...
Posted by My toes are always cold. on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 07:16:00 PST

I can't sleep

I don't really know what to say.  I am at such a loss for words.  Monica has gotten up a few times and little Monica is sleeping.  Dad has been out since the moment we walked in the doo...
Posted by My toes are always cold. on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 02:09:00 PST

My list from 1/24...also the fast continues

Don't eat after 6pm Only drink water Don't smoke ( this one has been working out) Don't spend money on anything other than gas Atleast 4-1hr massages a week Get at least a B+ in English Stay positive ...
Posted by My toes are always cold. on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 05:01:00 PST

School is trying me...

I have a headache that won't quit and I am in the libary which has no MS Word on any of the computers...I guess its a good thing I was up until 4:30am this morning completing my work. I find it super ...
Posted by My toes are always cold. on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 02:17:00 PST

Ruminations .75 by Aaron Karo...I fuckin love this guy

________________________________________________________&nbs p;   R U M I N A T I O N S   by Aaron Karo________________________________________________________     "Writing what...
Posted by My toes are always cold. on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 11:02:00 PST

For those that missed my ranting bulletin on the Game.

Okay,Those of you who know me know I am a passionate person especially when it comes to music...most importantly hip hop.If you haven't heard The Game's 'One Blood' Mega remix it feels about 20 minute...
Posted by My toes are always cold. on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 06:59:00 PST

Save your razors?

So alot has been going birthday was lovely and I thank everyone for the comments ... I felt special :)  I had to call 911 for my mom last wednesday night so I spent the first part of my b...
Posted by My toes are always cold. on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 02:26:00 PST

Working on the railroad

Working on the railroad I work Saturday 6-9am, I worked today which is Sunday from 6am to 7:30pm...does anyone else think that maybe they are punishing me for quitting the airport. Oh well, I got...
Posted by My toes are always cold. on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 05:33:00 PST