..This profile was edited with MySpace Help - Profile Creator and Editor MySpace Profile Help! %D%A%D%AgUrLs i dnt play. . . true playah foh real. . . . . . kind. . . simple but PLAYFUL. . . . . . im a kinda moody prson ei dis is mah invittion 2 ol my gangstats friend nation . . plz add this "
[email protected]" spcialy to ol da gangstas,haslah fuckng thugz,sexy litle thugz out der. . if u wnt 2 gEt dOwN wiD Lil_Saint . . . til hir. . . peace out. . . -=S.O.S.O. DEF representative=-%D%A%D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A %D%A%D%A%D%Aimma CmpOL pimp hUs oLweiZ PIMpIN wiT Mah hoMiEs....Im A fUcKiN nIgGa Hu CaN fLiP tHaNgZ...!?i FuCkIn HaTeZ GaNgStAh WaNnA bE's!!!,,BuT lEt Me TeLl Ya HoMeBoY yAh BEtTaH rEcOgNiZe AnD bEtTaH sHoW sOmE rEsPeCt!!!!YaH hUrRdD!!!!If Y'AlL wAnNa Be LyK mE!?!DeN bE!!!?jUz DoNt Go MAh WaY!!CoZ iMa BuSt A fUcKiN bUlLeT iN yAh MoThAfUcKiN hEaD!!!i AiNt PlAyIn HoMeBoY!!!jUz TrY mE aNd YoU wIlL fUCkIn SeE wAtT iM tAlKiN aBoUt!!!i FuCkIn SwEaR tO gOd WaTt Im SaYiN iS tRuE !!! onLy GOD caN JUDGE me!!!%D%A%D%A%D%A-=THUGWORLD representative=-...... .......... ..............