Maduro Woman is more than a Cigar site! Maduro Woman celebrates cigar smokers as we feature exclusive and unique content, focusing on cigars in depth as well as bringing some of our ideas to the forefront by focusing on making your cigar experience more enjoyable. Here you have daily cigar news, travel and resort info for "the cigar smoker", Maduro Woman's reviews from a woman's perspective, and other unique and exciting content.The term Maduro means ripe in Spanish. In cigar terms it is a wrapper shade from a very dark reddish-brown to almost black. The color can be achieved by sun exposure, a cooking process or a prolonged fermentation. Again, it is a cigar, very dark brown in color (like black coffee). It is thought of as the traditional Cuban color.Maduro Woman was founded by Breana Blaque, a black model and business woman who enjoys the taste of a premium cigar on a regular basis. Breana Blaque initiated cigar reviews on her personal model site and made the transition to an all cigar site.We hope that you find Maduro Woman enjoyable and indulge in our content. Feel free to provide us with comments and feedback or with any other insight regarding our website.Enjoy!
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undefined Breana Blaque of Maduro Woman
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