I might not be thin enough for you, pretty enough for you or smart enough for you but im fucking better than you. You will not fuck me up anymore :)
The wife
This girl is pretty dam amazing :) i couldn't ask for a better best friend. i can and do tell her everything and i know she wont judge me and will help if she can. we laugh at everything! no jokes. we dont even have to talk to have a conversation (:
The Jamie
This boy is the most important people in my life. I recon he is the only person who is straight with me all the time. I doubt i would survive without him :) i spend pretty much all my time with him but i wouldnt change it and i wouldnt change him atall. ♥
The poppet
I have known this boy since primary school not that we spoke alot, but then we did and i couldnt be more glad. we have deffo had our ups and downs but we have had some of the funnyest times. Tbh his a propa legend. Great to go on the piss up with :))
The hairy one
This boy is like my second dad and he loves to act it. We have been friends almost solidly since we met. He knows my mind better than i do and i know his. I honestly dont know if i could have got through what i have without him.
The adopted sister
This girl i could not actually live without. I have known her since i was like 4 and she is still around :) She is my sister in everything but blood. We always eat chinese and drink wine when i see her. We have had fights with everything that is actually possible even pumpkins :). I will never let us loose contact or her to leave my life.
The mitch
The mitch is my favorite boy through and through. We have the strangest friendship but i doubt you could find anyone who has a friendship anything like ours. He doesn't just cheer me up, get me drunk and play in the park for hours on end with a frisbees with me, he goes shop for me when im feeling lazy hah. jokes! he means the world to me.
♥my mum♥
9th march 1961- 1st march 2005
i miss her too much sometimes. she was an amazing person.always smiling. she was a fighter.she would help anybody out.she cared about people.n she meant the world to me.since she died life hasnt been the same atall. she is acctually my hero! if i could grow up to be half the person she was ill count myself as lucky!
my sister in everyway but blood. she is one of the strongest people i know. she has put up with alot of crap and dealt with alot of shit in her life. i love her to pieces and i always will tbh.
The Dad.
Me dad has put up with me n me bro for our whole lives. obvss. but the last few years have obviously been hard he has had to be both parents and i cant say how much of a ledge he is for everything he has done for us. i couldnt ask for a better dad.