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Not Dante

Tesoro il tempo che si possiede, e abbracciare le persone che amano

About Me

Just so no one can say i didn't warn them i was crazy...
Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||| 46%
Schizoid |||||| 22%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Antisocial |||||||||||||| 54%
Borderline |||||| 26%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 50%
Narcissistic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Avoidant |||||||||| 34%
Dependent |||||||||| 34%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||| 18% Take Free Personality Disorder Test
personality tests by
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||||||| 70%
Stability |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Orderliness |||||| 26%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Interdependence |||||| 30%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Mystical |||||||||||||||| 70%
Artistic |||||||||||| 43%
Religious |||||| 30%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Materialism |||||||||||| 43%
Narcissism |||||||||||| 43%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 63%
Work ethic |||||||||||| 50%
Humanitarian |||||||||||| 50%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||| 70%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||| 56%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Avoidant |||||| 23%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 70%
Wealth |||||||||| 36%
Dependency |||||| 30%
Change averse |||||||||| 36%
Cautiousness |||||||||||| 43%
Individuality |||||||||||| 50%
Sexuality |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||| 50%
Family drive |||||||||||||| 56%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||| %
Histrionic |||||| 30%
Paranoia |||||||||||| 43%
Vanity |||||||||||||||| 63%
Honor |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Thriftiness |||||||||||| 50% Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality test by
Name: Llewellyn William Mortensen
Birthday: 03/02/82
Birthplace: between my mothers loins
Current Location: Planet: Earth, Country: USA, State: Denial
Eye Color: Degowop brown
Hair Color: Degowop brown
Height: 6'0"
Right Handed or Left Handed: Ambi
Your Heritage: 93% Chimp
The Shoes You Wore Today: Black Tennis shoes
Your Weakness: Kryptonite
Your Fears: Being where i am today in two years
Your Perfect Pizza: myle's Pizza, bacon and Chicken
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Enroll for my master's degree
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Bad Evil Monkey!
Thoughts First Waking Up: (relieved sigh) Chuck Norris didn't kill me in my sleep
Your Best Physical Feature: hair and "ahem" unmentionables. (crap forget I mentioned them!
Your Bedtime: when my head hits the pillow
Your Most Missed Memory: If I missed it, how would I know it? Bad question!
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi, I don't do hard drugs
MacDonalds or Burger King: Isn't it McDonalds?
Single or Group Dates: Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: home made
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: both, just gimme the fucking caffiene!!!
Do you Smoke: only when lit on fire
Do you Swear: every damn day
Do you Sing: I've been known to let a sweet melody escape my lips
Do you Shower Daily: yup
Have you Been in Love: Oh yeah
Do you want to go to College: Been there, going back again
Do you want to get Married: Sure
Do you belive in yourself: Nope, I don't exist, everyone knows that
Do you get Motion Sickness: Not in the slightest
Do you think you are Attractive: Yup, I would shag me. Course my opinion in the matter is a bit biased don't you think?
Are you a Health Freak: No
Do you get along with your Parents: Yup
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love em
Do you play an Instrument: Piano
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yup
In the past month have you Smoked: yup
In the past month have you been on Drugs: NyQuil and Sudafed
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yup
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Unfortunately yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Oreos do come in boxes, but there's like over 150 of em, and no I haven't!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yup
In the past month have you been on Stage: nope
In the past month have you been Dumped: definition of dumped
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nope
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nope
Ever been Drunk: Do we need to count? Crap this may take a while
Ever been called a Tease: yup
Ever been Beaten up: nope
Ever Shoplifted: yup
How do you want to Die: Mid Coitus
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A junkie! Or Dr. Will. Depends on how much my Ph.D will run me
What country would you most like to Visit: Italy
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: color don't matter, as long as they got eyes
Favourite Hair Color: Hair don't matter, as long as they got hair
Short or Long Hair: Long is good
Height: shorter then me
Weight: less then me
Best Clothing Style: none
Number of Drugs I have taken: Can we narrow this question down? Presciption? Street? Asprin? C'mon now
Number of CDs I own: somewhere between none and a fuck load
Number of Piercings: 3
Number of Tattoos: 1
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 0... To regret is to deny reality

My Interests

I love Cooking and sword play. Books, music, video games, I enjoy them all. Professionally I am interested in brains... but purely on a professional basis...

I'd like to meet:

Any people who are familiar with the concept of common sense! No offense to the people here (unless you have no common sense) but it seems like a trait that is lacking in this world. But if you feel the need to figure out if you have common sense I will be happy to tell you. My AIM name is Charbober. Don't ask what it means cause you aren't prepared for the answer (and I don't know anyways) And I will do my best to tell you if you have common sense and what is wrong with you physically, mentally, and emotionally in excrusiating detail. Look forward to the talk talk.


Classic rock. The only rock. Rolling Stones, Zep, The Who, The Doors, Billy Idol, David Bowie, Queen even some newer 80s stuff, like Motley Crew, GnR, Van Halen. But classic rock is still the only true rock and roll


American Beauty, Kevin Smith films (though he has caused me endless comments) Dangerous liasons, being john malkavich, anything wierd and messed up.


Good eats, history channel, discovery channel, Family Guyand of course...


Ok, here's the short list... Stranger in a strange land, starship troopers, wheel of time, Foxtrot, Synaptic Self, DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, Harry Potter, Clive Cussler, R.A. Salvator, Tad Williams, Douglas Adams, Terry Brooks, Stephen Hawking


chuck norris. Any man who can lose his virginity before his father is a hero in my book!

My Blog

So for the curious...

Hi guys!  So faire is over.  it's been over for a couple of weeks now, but honestly this past weekend was the first one where I really got time to myself.  I had a graet time at the Med...
Posted by Not Dante on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 12:56:00 PST


I like Drama.  I want to make this clear.  But I also want to make it clear that by "drama" I mean the classical sense of drama.  As in a show or performance that evokes sympathy and co...
Posted by Not Dante on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 11:19:00 PST

The Faire

Well, I am getting ready for bed.  Tomorrow is the second weekend of the Medievel Faire, and I am looking forward to it.  Last weekend was fun.  People, and noise and activity.  I ...
Posted by Not Dante on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 07:28:00 PST

self worth

Ok, so continuing on the same line of thought as deserving I was thinking about people's self worth.  And I noticed that I have some sympathy for people who put thier worth in other people's hand...
Posted by Not Dante on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 05:43:00 PST


I have a question.  what does a person deserve?  I don't mean this in a contemptuous fashion.  I mean it as a honest question.  I hear so many people saying what they think th...
Posted by Not Dante on Sat, 31 May 2008 09:23:00 PST

Dancing like a fool

So it's about a quarter til one.  A.M.  I just got back from my buddy's wedding.  I have tocinfess I haven't had that much fun in far longer then I care to admit.  I am tired, swea...
Posted by Not Dante on Mon, 26 May 2008 09:55:00 PST

about the faire

Hello all.  Some of you know and some of you dont't but this summer I am taking part in the medeival faire.  It's a very cool experience.  Something new and fun for me to do.  I am...
Posted by Not Dante on Sat, 24 May 2008 07:00:00 PST

an odd thought

Ok, first and foremost I want to make it clear that this is not a retraction of my previous blog.  I meant it last night, and I still mean it today.  But I do have an addendum for it.  ...
Posted by Not Dante on Tue, 06 May 2008 07:48:00 PST

lets see how long it lasts

So, I think I may have turned a corner on my singleness.  It may be untrue (Time will tell as will the wedding I am going to this weekend) but i have started to feel a bit more complacent about m...
Posted by Not Dante on Mon, 05 May 2008 06:58:00 PST

disturbed (like the band...)

I had a thought occur to me not too long ago and I find it remarkably unsettling.  I am 26 years old.  This is not the diturbing thought but it leads me into it.  at 26 and single that ...
Posted by Not Dante on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 07:41:00 PST