Daniela Arabella was born in Rome, Italy, where she currently lives and works. Among her quite varied and multi-faceted experiences, she graduated from the National School of Cinema, acted in several films, plays, and TV productions, and attended Direction and Improvisation seminars held by Russian director Jurij Alshitz at the International Theatre Projects school. She also got her degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome with a dissertation on artist Pino Pascali. In 2006 she took part in the Notte delle Meraviglie (Night of Wonders) project during the Notte Bianca event in Rome. During the same year, she took part in the group exhibitions Tinte Calde (Hot Hues) at Torre di Tormarancia, and Arte come Mestiere at Palazzo Medici Clarelli, which were sponsored by the Rome Municipality. She was shortlisted in the Photography & New Media section at the Premio Celeste 2006 Art Contest. In 2007 she took part in a group exhibition called Piccole Ossessioni , at the Studio Campo Boario, together with artists Daniela Mastrangelo, Michal Blumenfeld and Silvia Salvioli. The exhibition was created by Alberto D'Amico and Massimo Arduini and curated by Susanna Horvatovicova.
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Cavatina - Ana Vidovic