Nekophilia partiensis profile picture

Nekophilia partiensis

About Me

Hi Volx!

This is about how christianity took over europe and is going to leave Munich in order to take over Africa. So if you're a true Christian or just a friend of the Neko-Christ join our community and lets spread the word of techno!

We are pleased to welcome you on August 25th in our tiny fairytale forest. The location can be found on the picture below.

Depending on good weather (no rain), the party will start at 9pm.
As we dont know if there will be enough to drink, it could be a god idea to bring drinks for yourself and your friends.

You can check the weather on . If the party is cancelled, we will anounce it here on our myspace-site.

See you on Saturday!

The exact place:


My Interests


Member Since: 7/20/2007
Band Members: u.a.:
-Der Jeff Mills von Zorneding
-unser junger Nam June Paik (sehr behaart und europäischer aussehend)
-Gumpi Gump
-Fabulous Parko Plezzuro
-L.I. As
-Pippi Langstrumpf
-Rainer Werner Fassbinder
-Klaus Kinski (angefragt)

Influences: Freetek-Festivals, Outdoor-Festivals, Abriss-Feste
Sounds Like: eine ganz nette Party
Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie

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