Kory Cutlip profile picture

Kory Cutlip

About Me

Kory Cutlip is possibly the world’s zaniest, craziest, off the wall psycho-punkabilly musical distraction to ever throw a load of Murray's in his hair and a Gretsch around his neck.
This story starts a decade ago in a basement on the end of a dead end street in hodunk nowhere, also known as Lebanon, Oregon. Having an Alcoholic Step-Father, a Mother that worked 2 jobs to put food on the table and 2 real friends in a crappy town with no excape to the 'real world' except for his little stereo, Kory Cutlip submerged himself in music since the age of 10. At the age of 14, he taught himself guitar and began the journey that has led him to today...
Being a 'rocker' was what he wanted to do since he was a little kid. Writing came natural to him, and everything he wrote was in the classic 3 or 4 cord set ups with kind of a 'tongue in cheek' look at life and music of today. His influences from both country and rock alike were very apparent, so when someone came up to him a few years into it and said 'Psychobilly', his reaction was 'PsychoWHAT?'.
With thousands of miles under his belt from sea to shining sea, there are many epic stories to follow all of this, to include his journeys with Nekronotz and The Pit Bosses while sharing the stage with Koffin Kats, Zombie Ghost Train, Phantom Rockers, The Creepshow, Stellar Corpses, The Phenomenauts, The Rocketz, The Meteors and The Toasters. Kory Cutlip's shows were meant to be an outlet for the world. He wanted every person to come and be equal- a place away from politics and life . . . a place where a person can come excape everything and rock for an hour and feel f*ckin' awesome!
His first album was released in 2002 called 'Opener', which is extremely hard to find. In 2006, 'Carnival of Crack' was released, which was a 4 song mini album, and in 2008 'A Day In Hell' came out, which featured 80% new material and a few songs revamped from the past was released.
Kory Cutlip is known mostly for having fun and making the audience have fun and get their moneys worth- enough of the paying $10 bucks to see another stereo typical band and have everyone stand there. Hated by some, laughed at by others, but never giving up and rocking 110%, this would be the man who said 'F*ck it' to the norm and kicked life in the balls.

My Interests


Member Since: 13/07/2005
Band Website: Your looking at it!
Influences: Everything that rocks from A to Z in almost every type of genre of music.
Sounds Like: No one else!!!
Record Label: Self
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Howdy Folks!Thanks again to all who came out to Motor in Seattle, Washington for the FINAL Nekronotz show on March 20th. It was awesome to see all those familiar faces out and even those new ones!!! A...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Mar 2009 22:39:00 GMT

Lamespace won’t post our shows right now

Right now, Lamespace is glitching like it has been for a week and will not let me add or edit any shows on the page. I have contacted them and they have been less than helpful. So hopefully, soon, the...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Nov 2008 01:25:00 GMT