batfinger / little messiah profile picture

batfinger / little messiah

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am an immature silly single songwritter with a very dark sense of humorDeep as a Bottle cap Shallow as the Void I Kant spell so good, but I'm Tremendous in the sack I like to have there's a wonderful word.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Fun Fearless People who realize that life is not short but long...that LoVe is stronger than passing time. and fuckin wackjob weirdo nutjobs..otherwise known as the pleasent unusualls you know who you are.

My Blog

old news new news red news blue news

I killed my car. had to wait a week befor the insurance bastards decided to tottal instead of working I've been sittin on my ass watching NCIS.cause pauley perette is so damn goth cuteĀ I kinda ...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 09:34:00 GMT

Entertainment without representation

Before you even start getting into this I wanna warn you right now that this blog is about how despite the success of stars such as Will Smith, Dezel Washington,Sam Jackson,and Hally Berry........Desp...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Apr 2009 05:48:00 GMT

what benn going on man

got a message on the myspace from an old friend.hey billy (I hate being called billy).....hey billy, long time. whats been going on?so to you all anyone that has a little time on their hands ...hers w...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 13:23:00 GMT

good luck with the apocolypse

been going about a million miles a minute with little time to blog actually don't have time for this here blog..but her goes 10 New Years hopes (resolutions) but more like Hopes 1. Quit Smoking 2. hav...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 19:18:00 GMT

my predictions of the future

what I predict from an Obama presidency 1.freedom of speech will be attacked on all fronts untill the abillity to publicly critisize the administrtion will diminish dramatically. 2. within the next f...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 20:17:00 GMT

What kind of guy do you think I am

what kind of a guy do you think I am
Posted by on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 19:26:00 GMT

women war & revenge

women war & revenge   this blog is gonna be all over the place cause thats wher my head is at 1st my birthday was on september 7th a sunday I work sundays so I decided to celebrate on ...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 21:10:00 GMT

app happy

I've decide to play along with the app happy friends of mine but I don't wanna litter my main account with all the nonsense so if your app happy friend up with my alter ego Dr.Evil http://profile...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Aug 2008 21:02:00 GMT

wouldn’t you just know it...turns out ...I’m the creepy guy

you just never  know when your shame is  gonna be lurkin 'round the cornner with a slice of pizza------------ yeasterday I woke up around one o'clock and my first thought was food....
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 14:32:00 GMT

was it worth it

So I'm standin in shower thinkin about the question what would be worth it ? like, what would be worth going to jail for. this is what I came up with   con 1 : hey man, what they get you for ?" c...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 12:44:00 GMT