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About Me

just give me a good rhythm, a fresh breeze, some tasty food and i'm fine as wine...

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actin' like i say, sayin' what i mean, meanin' what i feel, feelin' real fuckin' good... good night!

My Interests

walkin' in the moonlight, front porches or stoops or stairs or rockin' chairs or ground (i guess just places to sit outside), DANCING, language (esp. spanish), urban farming, people, fire, baking, biking, public art, printmaking, camping, refried beans, chocolate, canyons and mesas, train sounds...

I'd like to meet:

creative resourceful funny ass folks...


hip hop is my heart beat. also got a soft spot for way old school blues and folk... and dub is always good too...


Dark Days, Fargo


Live from Death Row, Bound for Glory, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Green Grass Running Water, Studs Terkel's books, William Upski Wimsatt, Maya Angelou...


ninja turtles can save my ass any day... and people with good ideas for redistributing and spreadin' the wealth, check out