P A U L R O B I N S O N J R !
AI enjoy people. People are very cool, and Mark James is the coolest guy ever!!! Not only is he the coolest guy ever, he is my best friend in the whole world. About me hmmm... First off im not a serious guy at all. You will rarely ever see me mad, or upset, or angry at someone. Im always happy and a cool to be with type of guy. My reasoning for this, is the method of ZHEN. Zhen is a type of lifestyle made by Paul Robinson (me) and Mark James. Check it out...
The 5 secrets of Zhen.
5. Maintain a positive attitude.
4. Don't be quick to anger.
3. Don't let others opinions about you, get the best of you
2. Don't care so much about everything
1. AND THE... KEY to being ZHEN is....Just go with the flow!
By your very own P-ROB and Mark James-----There is also a quote that I made up, and live by... it's "Life's Life"If you would like to kno more about the Zhen method or the "life's Life Quote... Just ask me! or even my buddy MJ (holy roller) Thank You all for reading this far lol PEACE!
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !