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About Me

Well my name is Deidra Shantae I am 18 years old and a Senior at Winston Co High! FINALLY!!!! I am an Auburn fan WEAGLE WEAGLE WAR DANG EAGLE!! ;) I LOVE pageants!!! dont get me wrong im no girly girl by ne-means! I HATE SHOPPING!! id much rather be mudding or playing sports, you know something more construtive and FUN! I have just recently got engaged to the love of my life, Ryan Hall which I love more than he'll ever know, he makes my heart go pitter patter!: ))) After high school we are getting married in Oct then moving to Ohio, to start our new lives! Military style! im sooo excited! YAY!! there i will be going to college, not sure for what yet.. something medicial! i know. but neways if you wanna know anything else just ask!! later Deig..
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All you need to know about me!! by bish1410
Name:: Deidra
Date of Birth:: 01/15/90
Current Location:: Double Springs aka hole in the earth
Eye Color:: brown
Hair Color:: brown
Height:: 6.0
Piercings:: yea 6
Tattoos:: no
TV show:: ?? i like just bout ne-thing
Color:: purple
Food:: pretty much ne-kind
Drink (alcoholic):: no, alcoholic no
Trainer Brand:: ???
Holiday/Festival:: halloween
Month:: oct
This or That
Night or day:: night
Love or money:: love
Phone or in person:: just depends
Looks or personality:: personality but looks do help
Coffee or tea:: tea
Sunny or rainy:: i like both
Goal for this year:: to graduate lol
First thought waking up:: "man im hungary" lol
Greatest fear:: dieing
Darkest secret:: cant tell ; )
Favorite subject:: science
Worst habit::
Do You:
Smoke:: no
Drink:: no
Curse:: yes
Shower daily:: no lol i never take a shower lol JK
Sing:: in the car
Get along with your parents:: sometimes
Wish on stars:: yes
Believe in fate:: yes
Believe in love at first sight:: yes
Dance in the rain:: no but i would lol
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk:: not really
Been Stoned/High:: no
Been in Love:: i am right now! ; )
Skipped school:: yea lol
Made prank calls:: O yea
Sent someone a love letter:: ?? not that i can remember
Cried yourself to sleep:: o yes
Told someone you loved them but didnt mean it:: no
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person?: when they dont listen to u when ur talkn
What is your bedtime?: like 2 oclock in the mornin
Name three things you can't live without:: love,friends and family
Do you have any siblings?: yes 2 big bros
Do you have any pets?: yes
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars?: if i could get away with it YEA jk
Are you for or against gay marriage?: against
Do you have a crush on anyone?: yes ; )
Are you afraid of the dark?: yes lol
How do you want to die?: painless and happy
Would you take a bullet for the one you love?: yes
What is the last law you’ve broken?: goin over the speed limit
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color:: brown, dark
Eye color:: brown, dark
Height:: 6.0 or taller
Weight:: doesnt matter
Most important physical feature:: teeth..??
Biggest turn-off:: ugly
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My Interests


I like to play paintball, volleyball, basketball, softball like to race I like playin pool,riding horses, being in pageants and I love to go bowling!!!

I'd like to meet:

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Any kind LOVE country tho


Benchwarmers,Top Gun,Pirates of the Caribbean 1,2, Saw 1,2,3,4. Transformers(was da bomb!), HATE CHICK FLICKS!


Americas Next Top Model, Real World, Survival Man...


hate em!


Jesus,Batman, and Elvis! lol

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~This or That~ by lazylizards63
Hugs or Kisses: ??? i love both!
Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
Sims or Myspace: sims
Chocolate or Gum: chocolate
Friends or Family: family
Quad or Bike: bike
Cats or Dogs: ... dogs
Love or Money: love
Summer or Winter: summer
Hot Tea or Iced Tea: iced tea
Milk or Water: chocolate milk
Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry: chocolate
McDonalds or Burger King: BK!!!
Fast Food or Resteraunt: either
Movies or Reading: movies! i dont read
Beach or Lake: lake
Sleeping or Eating: thats a hard one
Camping at a campground or Camping in your own backyard: campground. I love camping
Green apples or Red apples: green apples
Cookies or Cake: cake
Talking or Listen to someone talk: listen
Farting or Smelling it: LOL id rather smell my own
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