why dont you ask me n try to figure it out!
MyHotComments :: HotFreeLayouts
MyHotComments :: HotFreeLayouts
MyHotComments :: HotFreeLayouts
MyHotComments :: HotFreeLayoutsI'm LoOkIn' 4 A ThUg A TrU GaNgStA GuY ThE 1 WhO LoOkz AlL ToUgH YeT WoNt MaKe Me CrY YoU ShOuLd Be My BaBy ThE 1 ThAt UnDeRsTaNdZ AnD EvEn WhEn HiZ BoIz ArE ThErE He'z sTiLl LyKe.... "WaNnA HoLd My HaNd?"Find a guy who calls u beautiful instead of hot, who calls u back wen u hang up on him, who will stay awake jus to watch u sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses ur forehead, who wants to show u off to the world wen ur in ur sweats, who holds ur hand in front of his friends. Wait for the one who is constantly reminding u of how much he cares about u and how lucky he is to have u.... Famila and Friends online are people we may never see...we see pics, we see cams...it isn't the same...we grow close...we care and love one another...one day we may not hear from one another...our hearts will break...all we see is a name on messenger but the person we don't see anymore...we pray...please come back...all I ask is you remember me in the good times we had...keep me close to your heart...friends forever...