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Seeds For Hope
Restoring Hope In Africa, One Life At A Time!
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Seeds for Hope is a 501(c)(3) non-profit development oranization dedicated to serving the needs of the poor and the sick in Africa. Our mission is realized through programs and services that build human capacity to promote sustainable development, improve the quality of living and holistically address the root causes of poverty. Currently SFH is active in Kenya and Tanzania.
SFH functions with the intended purpose of breaking the cycle of poverty. We are committed to improving the lives of the poor by providing them with opportunities that ensure their growth and holistic development.
How We Work
Human Capacity Building refers to providing resources and skills to cultivate healthy and economically self-sustaining individuals. In other words, our strategy is to equip people with the means to overcome poverty. This is what makes our organization different from other charities.
Our programs aim to break the cycle of poverty by empowering and equipping individuals with the ability to suport themselves and become active and healthy participants within their communities. SFH mainly partners with local community based organizations, churches, and schools to identifiy specific communities and individuals who are in need of our services. We have identified the following priority areas for integrated development and wellbeing to achieve our mission:
- Education and Skills Development
HIV / AIDS Mitigation and Health Promotion
Economic Development
Emergency Relief
The Facts
Only 57% of African children are enrolled in primary education, and one of three children do not complete school.134 million children between the ages of 7 to 18 have never been to school.For every year of education, wages increase by a worldwide average of 10 percent.Educated mothers tend to send their children to school, helping to break the cycle of poverty.In Kenya, less than 50 percent of students who finish primary will move on to high school, and 2.8 percent go to University and beyond
About Us
In 2004, SFH won a grant from MSN/Visa's "Ideas Happen" Competition, thanks to the support of people all over the USA who voted. This grant made it possible for us to begin work with the organization.
Click here for the VISA Website for details
Currently, SFH has made it possible for:
7 Students from Nairobi, Kenya
18 Students in Rural Western Kenya
3 Students in Tanzania
.. to receive secondary, primary, and vocational education, every year.
Please support this cause, and help this organization grow, as to create greater impact in the fight against poverty.
Visit us on the web at http://www.seedsforhope.org
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