I live in Alabama, never been anywhere else really, Florida once, Atlanta a few times. I would love to travel an see a little more of the USA or the world for that matter, but that would take time an a lot of money. I am thirty something, but hey you are only as old as you feel and for me sometimes that feeling is twenty an sometimes it's fifty! I have been happily married to the love of my life for eleven years in February. We have had our ups an downs, but it wouldn't be a marriage without the good and the bad. I still love him with all my heart and he does me to ( I hope lol). We have two children our daughter is nine, and a drama queen I think someday she should try Hollywood on for size. Our son is five and he is Denis the menace reincarnated, but he can be so sweet sometimes I could just cry. We go to the beach every summer, and I love it there, I would move there if I could take all our friends and family with us. I love the smell of salt in the air, the ocean and the sand between my toes, the seafood and a cold beer, ahh it's heaven. We love Halloween, always throw a Halloween party for the kids and me an hubby love going to the haunted houses. Oh and I like to cook so much so, that I could probably loose thirty pounds if I didn't like to cook so much! Mexican and Italian are my faves.
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