"Gabriela Adianes Sanchez Samano nacio un 23 de enero de 1989 renegando y hasta la fecha sigue renegando" Estos son los pensamientos de mi hermano Angel escritos al reverso de uno de mis retratos de bebe. Originaria del Estado de Colima, una pequenia ciudad al centro- este de Mexico llena de palmeras, playas hermosas y gente amable. Soy la mas joven de 6 hermanos.Cuando tenia 9 anios descubri las artes en La Casa de la Cultura de Colima, un edificio que ofrecia talleres libre como actividades extracurriculares. Fue ahi donde conoci el ballet y mi mayor placer: el baile.Siempre me interesaron las cosas fuera de lo comun, lo unico, lo diferente y creo que eso es lo que me mas me distingue."Gabriela Adianes Sanchez Samano was born on January 23 1989 while she was reneging and until the date she is reneging" These are the thoughts of my brother Angel written on the back of one of my childhood pictures. I am from the State of Colima, a little city on the center-east of Mexico. Full of palm trees, beautiful beaches and friendly people. I am the youngest of 6 siblings.When I was 9 years I discovered the arts at the Casa de la Cultura de Colima, a building that offered free workshops and activities. Was there where I met the ballet, and my greatest pleasure: dancing.I was always interested in things out of the ordinary, the unique things, what is different. And I think that is what makes me who I am.
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