Whats good myspace? Damon is a young,15 year old White / Caucasian male that is a Entrepreneur in this industry. He has been around for about 3 years in this graphics/music buisness. He met a good homie of his now,Brandon. They became like brothers and decided to make a graphics empire/company thats well known and goes by the name of "NLD Graphics" so he is now Brandon's Manager. Damon is born and raised in Ohio,had a rough childhood(like alot others) and thought this was his only route to go that was positive. He is one of those kind of people who is real funny & cool but doesnt take kind of someone disrespecting him,I live by 2 moto's in life; "I only have one thing in this world,thats my word & my balls,and I dont break them for no one- Scarface" & "Give respect to earn respect." So if your a cool person and your looking to get to know or do buisness with a young,and respectable buisness man like himself,then feel free to message or email him! NLD Graphics- was founded in Febuary of 2007!!!Here At NLD Graphics we offer graphic design for all aspiring models.We Offer you fresh ideas customized ito your buisness.If your looking for professional graphic design,our superior quality and value will improve your image with a creative and personal touch!!!NLD Graphics stands out for our custom design work that captures the personality of your buisness.We work closely with you to create a product that fits your needs!!!If you are looking to get your designs the right way for the right price,you are in the right place,NLD Graphics will take good care of you!!!!We Can say that we will provide you with the best possible,and affordable product!!!Here is the process until you will recieve your desigin!!!First you must send us the full ammount of the deposit,then you send us the details to my email listed below,after that is done on your part we will start your creation!!!Once we've finished your product with full animation and detail we will send it to you and see if there is anything that you would like us to change and if there is,just let me know and we will change it ok!!! Business- Messages If you or your company/lable are interested in doing business with me please do not hesitate to shoot me a message. Please be aware that I do get a great deal of business offers via my profile, but I am very selective with the business dealings I get involved in. Please also take into consideration that although I am young & freshes in the game, I'm NOT naive nor am I impressionable.With that stated, please do not get at me if your business proposition is not mutually beneficial for both ends. I'm more then ready to work with cats who are on the same page as I am, so if you're that person or company please get at me!!! Note:
All of the material you see on this page is under the copyrights of "NLD Graphics" and any unauthorized use without wrtten permission will be punished through legal actions(2007-2009)!!! Contacts-
Widowns Live:
nldgraphicsceo@live.com Aim-
nldgfxagent Email:
My Interests
Member Since: 7/19/2007
Band Website: youtube.com/user/nldgraphicsceo
Band Members: 1. Brandon 2. Me 3. Kevin G