Coraggio Group profile picture

Coraggio Group

melt. wash yourself.. of yourself..

About Me

Spacerujesz droga; nagle zdajesz sobie sprawe, ze chodzenie nie sprawia ci przyjemnosci. Zatrzymaj sie. Koniec - nie rob tego dalej.

Osho, Dojrzalosc (s. 162)

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My Interests


Member Since: 7/19/2007
Band Website: & WEBSIGHT
Band Members: White Galactic Mirror
* thunderstorms & 13:20 * experiences * c o i n c i d e n c e s * The Colour Of Pomergranates * s y n c h r o n i c i t i e s * sufism * faith * eyes * baloon flights * r e c o g n i t i o n s * transfigurations * transgressions * people ego - deprived * the sunrise * Basquiat * JH Engstrom * intuition * sparks * the moonwalk * G Pugh * the moment of turning off the street lamps * sincere smiles * A Nin * wild parks * Kabir * reefs * roof picnics at night * skysands * constellations * St Germain * vertical time * R Magritte * S Brakhage * Kahunas * everything mirrorlike * Attar * Rumi * K Gibran * the reincarnation of St Orlan * changes * stories of my friends' lives * Tao Te Ching * M Naimy * H Bosch * G Gurdzijew * O Rank * H Blawatska * Tony Conrad * H Bergson * Brassai * Screaming Jay Hawkins live * my 8.80 lotto award * channels.. tunnels.. serpents.. portals * silence between us * G Richter * HR Giger * R D Laing * friendships that will always last * strangers and poets of different kinds * egyptian design * Dead Sea's density * P P Pasolini * B Croce * signs * strange taste of fruits * calm people shining inside * J Smith * strange paths * airports' waiting rooms * E Hooper * fountains * incarnations of the palms * this saying hi and bye * rhymes * sulphur crystals * W Kandinsky * smoke, the end of the film and the moonlight * John Donne * Cafe La Mama * breathing in * Oedipus 'the king' * breathing out * Osho * Basho * Man Ray * rain * B Schulz * bikerides * Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil * letters that Daniel writes * Bhagawad Gita * exchanging sighs for the better life * Fillipines' healers * CG Jung * H Hesse * W Whitman * C Castaneda and Don Juan * musk * abashing Your inner animal * the sub. * Angel * dimensions * M Barney * observing how everything is continuously and slowly melting * Chaikin * mushrooms' resilent entity * Grotowski * using lips to search and find * waiting for you * laughing with You * preparing the dinner for you * writing for you * symbiosis with you * breathing in you * Biosphere * PK Dick * patchula * Y Kawabata * M Antonioni * soft lovecrimes * W Blake * A Tarkovsky * GF Haendel * E Fromm * Goethe, Dante, Lao Tse * J Brahms * Ch Bukowski * Dostoyevsky * J Cortazar * E Satie * J Maritain * K Szymanowski * I Bergman * C Debussy * freemasonry * all the Guru's who know who they are * holism * body art * A Kaprow * horses * PHI dreams * minothaur * trueman show * the sauna * the womb * the night * and snakes * and taboos * queer fashion * maybe yes * maybe not * and JS Bach * & spiders * & hangin out with weirdos downtown * transformations of fear * of disgust * into surrender * into trust * Tim Hawkinson * people who know how to turn me on.. * and inunderstandable * so unbelievable * and improbable * i mean - incredible * more than impossible * defenceless.. * even useless * but fragile * but ajar.. *
Sounds Like: A bizzare elixir of indigo and illumination , a bouncing back of energy into itself , and a whispering opium , familiar with what is behind - the mayan maze ..
Record Label: silverviolet
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Posted by Coraggio Group on Mon, 25 Aug 2008 04:22:00 PST


 'my beautiful strength'possibility of meetin' you was incrediblethe joy and my gratitude so powerful- and your absence was driving me crazywhen you was not around days were becoming hazywell my extas...
Posted by Coraggio Group on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:57:00 PST