Download Mixtape | Provided by DatPiff.comHello World! whats new in todays world of music? I'll tell you, me the up-and-comer J.mel. As most can see I always strive for whats best, and perfection is key, never the less. A little about my understandings on life is that evil shouldn't be the first thing on your mind when taking a risk, for your already setting your self up for failure. A few of my likes include making beats, free styling, and playing sports like football and basketball. I reside in the beautiful city and state of Tampa, Florida. I attend school at Alonso High School were I am currently class of 2009 (senior!!). My relationship status is whatever you make it sweety! .... DuuUUUUH!
My Interests
Member Since: 7/19/2007
Type of Label: Unsigned
My Blog
For those who were in school and did not get the chance to witness the amazing speech brought to you by the President of the United States of America. I bring to you . . . . PART 1
PART 2... Posted by on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 11:38:00 GMT