About Me
Lunatic Asylum Lunatic Asylum takes form inMay of 1999 from the ashes of Khrysos Anthemon, a symphonic black metal band that had its course from 1996 to 1998. Threemembers of that band, Nicola Cozzi, Stefano Cerri and Martina Monferrini are currently part of a well known and estimatedItalian band called Sleep Of Tethis. It was in 1998 when Andrea Rendina got impressed by a photo of a Canadian LunaticAsylum: “The Provincial Lunatic Asylum†of Toronto - Ontario - Canada, opened in 1850. It was the first Hospital Institutefor mentally ill people who, until that time, were not clinically considered and neglected. The irrational, surrealistic andevocative image of that lunatic asylum, veiled of a sad solitude, appears to Andrea like the perfect synthesis of theemotions that his new compositions evocate in him. So, after some months, Mario Scalia, voice of the band, a childhood friendof Andrea and Daniele Cocco, joined the band. The first promo cd, "Sick Screams" was recorded in the Mantas Studio in Milanduring the spring of 2000, and followed a dozen live performances, including the memorable 4th edition of the Master of Rockin Madignano, Italy, of 24 July 1999 where Lunatic Asylum shared the stage with Mystere de Notre Dame and friends Sleep OfTethis. Since their debut cd Sick Screams the two guitarists approach was really different. The more soloist and progressiveAndrea approach contrasted to the more Cristian classically Heavy and this is extremely evident, just to cite one example,listening to "The Langoliers" composed by Cristian and "Hannibal the Cannibal" by Andrea. A couple of months after therelease of "Sick Screams", Francesco, the bassist, decided to leave the band for personal reasons. In September GianlucaTissino, Cristian childhood friend, join the band. Gianluca, guitarist, readjusted bassist for the occasion, became soon athrowback to the band but in June 2001, the drummer, Daniele Cocco, left the scene too. So, on the eve of important liveperformances, Lunatic Asylum remained without their heart. Fortunately Mario Giannini, a band friend, excellent drummer withgreat experience (Node, Beholder, Pino Scotto) lent itself as Session to deal the numerous concerts scheduled. Meanwhile thesearches for a worthy drummer were incessant and culminated with the arrival of Christian Marino, greatly talent drummer, forwhat that finally become the definitive Lunatic Asylum line-up. So, finally, in October 2001 began for the band a long periodof stability which allowed the establishment of new songs. The band benefited of the new drummer talents enriching thecompositions. Diametrically, the two guitarists developed a growing feeling so that Andrea was now less progressive andparadoxically Cristian more progressive. So, in January of 2003, Lunatic Asylum recorded "From beyond ..." a concept album ofabout 40 minutes not easily labeling, with the prevailing lack of rationality and musical chorus of "The Prophet", by theharsh sounds and loneliness of "Lies and Sorrow" which turn into anger and despair in "Fears". Fears that find comfort in thehope of "The Embrace Of The Black Queen" and with the love that "Waiting For The Dawn" gives. Feelings described by theprofound and heartfelt lyrics of Mario. “From Beyond†collected very positive reviews throughout the world and soon becomescause of great pride and satisfaction for the quintet that arrived to perform even at the famous Mazda Palace and RollingStone sharing the stage with Labyrinth. Unfortunately, shortly after, begin a very unfortunate, full of vicissitudes,dramatic family situations and misunderstandings period that almost led to the division of the band. Fortunately, the bandwas strong, deeply tied by a true sense of friendship and the difficulties were successfully overcome. The project LunaticAsylum is now even more consolidated and newfound serenity gives enthusiasm and desire to start again. The Lunatic Asylumfinally found a rehearsal room, the Moon House in Milan, that once was the rehearsal room of friends Lacuna Coil. They workhard to create a breeding ground essential for the establishment of new pieces that are part of their third effort, the minihomonymous mini cd. "Lunatic Asylum", recorded at the Moon House Recording of Milan between 2007 and 2008, is the result ofteamwork. There is no special individuality but a great contribute of all individual musicians to achieve a sound that is acommon style. Even in their diversity, the songs have a common thread attributable to their creators who, finally, unlikeprevious work, seem to speak with one voice to turn in music the shared sentiment. "Lunatic Asylum" represents a musicturning as well as interior turning and is another step in their journey. This is a journey on a trail without end, tight,narrow, crowded but lonely, tortuous, ephemeral and full of pitfalls and hypocrisy. This is a road along with sacrifice,without illusions, day after day for years to grow and mature musically, just by the love for music and Heavy Metal.