Ashley (cant wait!) profile picture

Ashley (cant wait!)

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About Me

this is soo funny
CORINTHIANS 13:4-8 Love Is Patient, It Is Not Selfseeking, It Is Not Easily Angered, It Keeps No Record Of Wrongs, It Always Protects, Always Trusts, Always Hopes, Always Perservers. Love Never Fails. Love In Gods Words. ♥ My full name is Ashley Lee-lynne Dunn My age is 15
My birthday is always held on the same day, august 23 cuz thats the day I was born.
My beliefs are:
People only hate there life because they choose to.
Girls that say they hate there moms will probably want to die when there mom passes away.
Parents arent trying to ruine our lives when they tell us we cant do something, there saving us from ruening them ourselves.
Family should come first in everyones life.
Friends should come secound.
People that are judgemental, have been judged to many times there selves.
Cheerleaders arent all dumb, popular people arent All mean and people that play on the computer arent all geeks
Your best friend should always be considered apart of your family.
And you should insist on her calling your mom "mom".
God is watching every move we make.
Wemon should not date there exes bestfriend, brother, cousin, dad, ex girlfriend, or uncle. =)
Any of the above mentioned would be wrong and some imoral.
Rap music is bad.
If your one of my close friends, my ex boyfriends are off limits to you.
If your lauphing and having fun, and someone is looking at you like your crazy, they are prabably really boring people!
I absolutly adore people that just dont care! that like to lauph at stupid stuff and fall down in the hall way because they are lauphing so hard.
I love elizabeth gauthier! she is the best thing in my life,
I love my mom more tho.
Leah repsis, you have made 10th grade perfect 11th grade wont be the same with out you and AJ.
Meeting new friends is my passion,
But keeping ones is just spiffy to lol.
People like me are the coolest, because i get along with everyone, i lauph at every thing, and if you arent perfect i dont care i love you any way.

My Interests

lauphing, reading, dancing, love, guys, friends, the mall, movies, music.

I'd like to meet:

So, I met this guy named Gerald Hargrave, and he has pretty much turned my nightmares into sweet dreams. He is the sweetest guy I have ever met and I have had so much fun hanging out with him. See, he has even got me talking mushy gushy.... I NEVER DO THAT!!!!!. So gerald I am sooo glad I met you. I cant even put it to words.


I love contry
rascal flatts
keith urban
steve holy
rodney adkins
lost trailers
josh turner
jack ingram
phill lassar
kenny chesney
derks bently
jimmy wayne
collin raye
garth brooks
tim mcgraw
faith hill
shania twain
brooks and dunn
i also like rock
nickel back
and i like pop
pussy cat dolls


found this girls layout at HOT


Twilight (i love my vampire love stories lol)


High school is tough. idiots at school try and bring you down to make them selves feel better. the stress fashions changing and classes getting harder. there are only three people that have really helped me through. My mommy first of all. She is my best friend of all time! I tell her everything and i dont know what i would do if i didnt know her. Every day at 4:00 i look forward to her call so i can tell her about my day. I love you mom. My 2 hero is Lizzie Marie Gauthier. She is my best friend. No matter how bad times get and how much we argue i know that she will always forgive me and i will always forgive her, if i have a peroblem she is on her feet and ready to spork the person that caused me the problem to death. i dont know how i would get through highschool with out you. and 3rd Leah reptsis you are amazing you always have me laughing i know we fight about everything, but one of us always ends up giving in and appologizing. i am sooooo glad that i met you and got to know you more.