♥Guitar Wolf♥
Death Trance, Wild Zero, The Quiet Earth, MST3K, Zebraman, Little Miss Sunshine, The Last Unicorn, Requiem For A Dream, Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas, Cat Soup, Take Care of my Cat, The Secret Of Nimh, Stranger Than Fiction, Amelie, Anchorman, Nothing, The Life Aquatic, The Baxter, Raising Arizona, Silent Hill, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, Ghost World, Night of the Living Dead (original), Frankenweenie, The Royal Tannenbaums, Donnie Darko, Martin & Orloff, Uzumaki, Trainspotting, How to Draw a Bunny, 28 Days Later, The Truman Show, Super-Size Me, Happenstance, Grosse Point Blank, Shutter (original), Where the Buffalo Roam, Dragonhead, BioZombie, Pulse (original), Napoleon Dynamite, American Movie, Garden State, Stella Shorts, Man of the Century, Oldboy, Freddy Got Fingered, American Psycho, Office Space, Dawn of the Dead, Advent Children, Spring and Chaos, Clerks, Fargo, Rushmore, Spun, Shaun of the Dead, Super Troopers, Waiting, A Mighty Wind, Best in Show, Waiting for Guffman, Audition, Quitting, Dead Man, Edward Scissorhands, Battle Royal, Igby Goes Down, He Loves Me He Loves Me Not, Heavyweights, Rocketman, Equilibrium, Wet Hot American Summer, Billy Maddison, 12 Monkeys, Zoolander, Death to Smoochy, Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, Princess Bride, The Cable Guy, Bottle Rocket, Iria, The Jerk, The Hours, The Man with Two Brains, PeeWee's Big Adventure, Parasite Eve, The Producers (remake), Koyannisqatsi, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Lost In Translation, The Weather Underground, Bejing Bicycle, The Good Girl, I Heart Huckabees, The Ten, ATHF Movie, Simpsons Movie, etc...
Family Guy, Dr. Katz, The Simpsons, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sealab, Home Movies, Seinfeld, MST3K, Reno 911, The Office, The Office UK, Stella Comedy,
The Colbert Report...♥
...American Dad, The Daily Show, Futurama, Daria, Beavis & Butthead, Invader Zim, Strangers With Candy, The Kids in the Hall, The State, Reboot, Sailor Moon, Venture Brothers, Rocko's Modern Life, Angry Beavers, Arrested Development, Ren & Stimpy, Mr. Show, etc...
The Long Dark Teatime Of The Soul & The Fuckup are my favorite books, also now "I Am America (And So Can You!)" by Stephen Colbert, definately my top book nowadays. Absolutely brilliant writing, perfectly constructed book. Love it.
Also: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, The Catcher In The Rye, The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, mostly anything by Douglas Adams or Arthur Nersessian... I'm also a huge fan of David (and Leigh) Eddings (big big fan), Terry Brooks, Chuck Palahniuk (of course), etc... I even often find myself reading a lot of medical and psychology books, I dunno' why, but they just really interest me...
[Currently I Am Reading]:
(& so can you!)"
By Stephen Colbert
oh yeah, & it's
Fucking INSANELY Genius!
30% Max Richter 30% B. Fleischmann 20% Stephen Colbert 10% Zebraman 10% Gob Bluth