>> Sarah♥ â„¢ profile picture

>> Sarah♥ â„¢

Jiggle it; Jiggle it;

About Me

heyy it`s sarah =]
I ' m the G I R L you never get just quite what you see
I'm Not Your "Typical" Girl, at all
im really really quite RANDOM!
&& maybe laugh more then i should :]
but i like it.
i pretty much go by that.? yuhh you can call me what you want though.
i won't change for you.
love me or hate me;take it or leave it.
I can be shy at times but that's rare
I can be crazy at times and that'ss extremely often!
Im a happy crazy-go-lucky kinda girl and people like that about me
im also definitely an outdoorsie ready to take chances kinda person
especially when i am with someone that i enjoy to have around
if you can be yourself trust me ill love you
most of the time when you see me ill be embaressing myself or going insane
i`m really easy to get along with.
I`M FRIENDLY:] i changed alot from last year. and it was for the better :]
i've learned not to care what people think because i'm myself.
i'm not fake at all. honestly i can't stand fake people;
so please please please don't be fake around me... & if you are i won`t like you.
i'm scared of some bugs and the dark. and of dying. i know it's crazy to think about but i do anyway =/
and then i remember the only reason why i'm livinggg. my family and my friends.=]
i love you guys so much and i have no idea where i'd be or what i'd do without you.
i have one sister & she's 15. we fight but it's part of our relationship:P
she's always there for me no matter if we're mad at eachother or anything, she's just amazing. i love you samii!
my best friend is danielle kiss.. otherwise known as my niggaa.? yuhhh :]
she's like my other sister and the only person that understands me completely.and my mom. lmfao:]
umm i guess you can say we`re the definition of LOSER.?
lmao yuupyup:] i have no idea what i'd do without danielle.. i love you!!
every single one of my friends inspire me to get through life
even if some times i feel as if i dont exist or just dont like the way things are going
i can say truthfully if my friends werent here for me when they have been i would not have gotten through as much of the stuff that i have.
i wish i culd name everyone that has helped me
but that wuld be to much but you guys shuld no who you arei'm hard to understand and then i'm not at the same time.
i'm confusing to most people.
when i get mad i say things i don't mean... pleeeeeeeease keep that in minddd =/
i don't get mad at people for stupid reason's because that's just not me & it`s gay.
i'm probably the most forgiving person you'll ever know.
i give more than 2nd chances to people that sometimes don't even deserve them,
but i do think that most people deserve 2nd chances.
you only live life once.. don't spend it hating people and whatever.
i say i hate people but i really don't...
its just what comes out at the moment and i'm working on it.
i've learned that i actually can't stay mad at people for longer that 5 minutes.?
lol it's just me... i can't live with somebody being mad at me or me being mad at them...
i really reallllyy don't like it.
but middle school drama gets bad so whatever.
i dont label people i personally dont think its right
so please do me a favor and dont label me either
you`ll constantly hear me say i hate my laugh...
becauase eventually you`ll be saying the same thing.
it`s the most annoying defeaning sound you`ll ever hear.
lmfao =] it like fricken shakes a rooom.
i used to be the kind of person that said stuff like " oh my god i`m ugly" for no reason.
&& but not so other people say i`m not. i said it because it`s what i think.
i`m confident to a certain level. it`s low. i have like a low self esteem? kinda.
that`s what my friends say but i`m trying to change;
i don`t want to be concieted because i`m not and whatever.
but i hate when somebody says YOU KNOWWW YOURE PRETTYY BLAHLBHBALBABHABLAH. because i obviously don`t if i`m saying i`m ugly.?
im very worried and concerned about my appearence/looks although, ive learned that everything doesnt have to be perfect
i give everybody like a different nickname; it`s fun =]
i call alot of people like the most random things
..but i'm different so that's something you can expect from me; lol
I Like Jackadoodlebop; It's My color on myspace
But I have a thing for Pink.
LAUGHING. this is most of my life put into one word. =] 12 years babe.wheres a girls life without boys?
there amazing and make you feel so much better about yourself but at the same time they can be total JERKS!
i think i`m the only person on myspace that hates top 8`s or 20's with a passion.
if you aren`t on it.. don`t say anything to me because i`ll ignore you=)
if you`re 2 faced... don`t bother being friends with me.
I WON`T LIKE YOU. k if you`re gunna talk about someone behind there back and expect everything to be ok.?
No one can ever change me.
I'm usually always nice.
I always make people laugh.
And I'm always in a good mood.
I always say and do stupid things.
and that's what people laugh at.
this doesn`t even begin to explain me but since nobody bothers to read this anyways ill leave it at that
get to know me!!
message me or i-m me at GETxCRAZii Sarah

My Interests

Yeah shes a real HOTT MAMMA && i love her! We act EXTREMELY retarded sometimes but thats okay :p She is one of my best friends as you should already know. We can laugh at anything no lie We have so many memories ! && we are hillarious, ask anyone. We can make anyone laugh :] We have fights here and there and snap attidues at eachother once nd a while but thats okay cause like what 5 minutes later were pissing our selves ? My home is her home and her home is mine . My family is hers and her family is mine && thats how its always gunna be.Were usually together && thats normal :] I dont no what id do without this girl shes amazing && id do anything for her! BFFE3 LOVE YOU

I'd like to meet:

I love allie && jo! Were dayum sexay :]YOU WISH YOU WERE AS FLY AS US!

sexi mamacitas!
love yuh maria!

Dayumm Comment me



We were && are still the best of friends. i feel that i can trust you the most out of all of my best friends. it is so easy for me to just spit out my life to you at anytime and feeling compfortable while doing it . your a big part in me even after we cant hang out . but i know sooner or later we will. im not suprised we didnt forget eachother, i mean how could we . weve been through more then words can really say . you are the friend that stuck with me && has always made me happy. you are the friend that was there through the most roughest parts of my life. you are the friend that continues to make my life brighter. you are the friend i will always love. were gunna be the friends that have kids and our kids are gunna be friends and they are gunna refer to us as aunt sarah and aunt joan were gunna be the friends that live there life together and grow up seeing wut a friendship really is about. and i believe that we really can have this amazing bond we have now for the rest of our lives. i will love you forever and ever joan.:] are friendship is trully everlasting 3




dont really watch t.v
&& im not writing this so i dont have to write what i watch.
if i ever watch it
itll be 53.


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My MOM, she is my insperation nd shes just amazing ! she has been through so much but shes such a strong person nd i truly dont know any one better then her