The GPoMC is the electoral voice of the progressive left in Monroe County. Our goal is to put progressive activists in public office (elected as well as appointed) at every level of government.
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Green Party of the United States
Not Republicans
Not Democrats
The Green Party is a political party completely independent of the two major corporate parties. We run our own candidates and accept no money from corporations.
Real Values
The Green Party is a values-based political party that represents real people’s interests, needs, and ideals. Greens are in this business to improving people's lives working to guarantee a safe, healthy world for our children, grandchildren, and future generations.
Not a Third Party
The Green Party is the largest political party in the democratized world, and is the fastest growing political party in the United States.
Cynthia McKinney for President and Rosa Clemente for Vice President
During her 12 year tenure in the United States Congress, Cynthia McKinney won recognition as an outspoken leader for human rights, an ardent advocate for peace, and a determined worker for justice. She authored legislation to: eliminate federal subsidies for corporations taking jobs overseas; institute a national livable wage; repeal the Military Tribunals Act; eliminate the use of depleted uranium weapons; impeach Bush, Cheney, and Rice.
Rosa Clemente, is a community organizer, journalist and hip-hop activist. Clemente, who is from the South Bronx, New York, is a strong supporter of Puerto Rican independence and founded La Voz Boriken during her time at Cornell University.
C-Span has the full length video of the acceptance speeches, it's an hour and 18 minutes long, so I'm trying to find it broken up into smaller segments if people want to just watch part of it, but I do recommend watching the full video.
You can also read the text of those speeches.
Text of Cynthia McKinney's acceptance speech
Text of Rosa Clemente's shot out and acceptance speech, also includes a brief bio.
The brief remarks both women made just prior to the voting for the nomination. This video is only 6 minutes long and includes both Cynthia and Rosa, and there is a HD option for those that what greater resolution.
Cynthia McKinney, Rosa Clemente Press Conference shortly after their nomination as Green Party President and Vice President candidates.
• End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
• Single-Payer Universal Health Care
• National Living Wage
• Marriage Equality
• Sustainable Energy and Transportation
• Right of Return for Katrina/Rita Survivors
• Debt relief for Workers, Students, and Homeowners