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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi all... my name is Steph im 21! i live my life for my family and friends... I hate being alone for too long and i get bored too easy I dont care what others think of me the only peoples opinions i care about are those of my friends and family! in the past 12 months i have changed into a completely different person and i love it! I do things out of character sometimes but i dont care! i will NEVER become dependant on a man..... they only end up letting me down!LOVES.. Family Friends Shopping Money Sleeping Romance Adventure Travelling Babies Phone SummerHATES Spiders Bugs Assholes Liars Cheaters Fakes Winter Work PainDONT EVER LEAVE THE ONE YOU LOVE FOR THE ONE YOU LIKE BECAUSE THE ONE YOU LIKE WILL LEAVE YOU FOR THE ONE THEY LOVE......
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* Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph Click here to get Falling Objects * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph * Steph
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