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YuNnO A PeRsOn CaN SiT THeRe n' TeLL ANoTheR PeRsOn.. aLL THiS CRaZy SHiT THaT a PeRsOn DOeS.. n' THe PeOpLe THaT AcTuaLLy SiT THeRe n LiSTeN.. WOuLd SaY OmG.. THaT's PsYcHo.. n' CRaZy.. WaT's WRoNg WiT Em'.. THeY NEeD HeLP SuMoNe SHouLd BEaT SuM SEnSe II Em'.. STaY AWaY FRoM Em'... aLL SuDDeN WeN THeiR iN THa THa SaMe PHuCKiN' PReDiCTaMeNT BEiNg in THa STaTe oF DiStRaUgHT.. LoSes aLL THeiR COnTRoL II THeiR EMoTiOnS.. LOoK WHoSe aLL AcTiN' CRaZy n' PsYcHoiSh NoW.. YuP²... YuNnO WaT THaT MEaN.. iT's HuMaN NaTuRe MoTHeRpHuCKeR... So SHuT THa PHuCK uP n' DuNn Be So QUiCK II JuDge.. CAuSe iN THa EnD YeR PHuCK uP LiKe EVeRyOne ELse... PHuCKiN' HyPoCRiTs... NEeD II QUiT FRoNTiN' THiNKin' YeR BeTTeR DeN EVeRyONe ELsE..


... AnGeL iN HeLL ... From the highest seat of the Trinity above to the lowest pits of Hell. One of the most amazing images of love that I know is Persian, a mystical Persian representation of Satan as the most loyal lover of God. You will have heard the old legend of how, when God created the angels, he commanded them to pay worship to no one but himself; but then, creating man, he commanded them to bow in reverence to this most noble of his works, and Lucifer refused because, we are told, of his pride. However, according to this Moslem reading of this case, it was rather because he loved and adored God so deeply and intensely that he could not bring himself to bow before anything else. And it was for that that he was flung into Hell, condemned to exist there forever, apart from his love. Now it has been said that of all the pains of Hell, the worst is neither fire nor stench but the deprivation forever of the beatific sight of God. How infinitely painful, then, must the exile of this great lover be, who could not bring himself, even on God’s own word, to bow before any other being! The Persian poets have asked, “ By what power is Satan sustained? “ And the answer that they have found is this: “ By his memory of the sound of God’s Voice when he said, ‘Be Gone!’ “ What an image of that exquisite agony which is at once the rapture and the anguish of love!


i Am My OwN HeROe... HaTe iT Or LuB iT... HoMie YOu HaVen'T BEeN ThRu WaT i BEeN ThRu.. YeR NoT LiKe Me.. n' I'm NoT LiKe YOu..