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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a womyn by gender if u believe in dichotomies, a sociology tutor by monetary need plus enjoyment, a PhD student by want and a poet by addiction...i currently live in Melbourne Australia but flit between here and India. i love to rant about politics, social theory and philosophy, my favourite topics include but are not limited to; bagging out "the system", critiquing the utter absurdity of consumer culture masquerading as identify creation/fulfillment, and theorising the limits of rationality that creates objectification, disconnection, alienation and individualisation and breeds discontent and the instrumentalisation of human beings as machines rather than; feeling, breathing, experiential bodies. I love Judith Butler's Precarious Life; live for feminist poets such as Alix Olson and bow at the feet of Ani Difranco.I believe that true beauty is borne from the rubble left for the anti-conformists...for real beauty, real anything is beyond the place where there are no the spaces between.Welcome to a brave new world where cunt is a beautiful word and social critique is the cutting normLet Alexis take you by her short nailed hand and thrust you fingers first into the dark corners of Melbourne’s lesbian sceneThe divide between sex and love has always been a tightrope lineShe’ll make you swoon make you laugh most of all she’ll etch herself into your mind long after the last page is turnedTrust us you’ll never look back she doesn’t.Check out the website and buy the book @ or order it in @ ur local; we're on the database!suss out my performance alter ego with teeth: cunt you can check out my column -chai anyone- on all things that give me the shits/i find intriguing at

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Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Roderiguez; Ani DiFranco; Judith Butler; Julie Kristeva; Alix Olson- yep, they'd all be at my party. But you don't need to be famous, as along as you think outside the lines; i'd love to meet you

My Blog


Somewhere inside her she knew she was born whole. That her parents were children who brought up children in the shadows of their own insecurities and fears and that all she had to do was to blow awa...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 21:11:00 GMT

god and godesses

Cos you know what I've learntthere's no difference whetheryour coming againstcock or fingersrubbing into plastic or skinlatex or rubbercos humanity is where our sexual emancipation is gonna beginkissi...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 18:03:00 GMT


I yearn I striveI desirejust to bebut beneath thisrabid breath curled around dreams of tomorrowof what will belies a scaredand fragile little girlof fourheart aching on the floorto be heardto be seen ...
Posted by on Wed, 20 May 2009 07:34:00 GMT

as tears

As tears fall down my facemy fear rages up insidelike a broken-hearted lovermoments before the anger risesand the sadness falls awayoh bittersweet destiny tis my fearof beingof filling out every inch ...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 18:39:00 GMT

this is this is

I have become my own deconstruction workertaking down each piece of this character I've built as mySelfscuffing back the tough intellectualto reveal the delicate sway of my soulas she settles into my ...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:08:00 GMT

I feel

I am more sad than I've allowed myself to feelin decadescos I've spent so long disconnected from the pain of my yesterdaysthat I've forgotten how to behow to embrace this loss of tears that fall from ...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Mar 2009 02:15:00 GMT

Girls Read Out: Spoken Word Performance; the lady stylin way

Join me (Brigitte Lewis) Ozlem Baro, Becca Kellaway, Fiona Stuart (thefeature), Ian McBryde & Peter Murk (to be confirmed) as we spokenword our hearts out at another very special read out event as org...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Mar 2009 22:16:00 GMT

I wanna F-U-C-K

I am so fucking horny(and I hate that wordit makes me sounds like a horse)I can't thinkwell except about animalsand no not like thatI want a hot womanwrapped around my faceI want a tongue againstthe c...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 14:10:00 GMT

I will learn

She said that I will have to learn dysfunctionthat I must allow myself to feelif I'm ever to sit deep in the core of my body againthat my voice changesand i regress to when I was15 when I'm scaredthat...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 14:08:00 GMT

What are the Limits of Rationalist Epistemology & How can we transcend those Limits?

The modernist project, otherwise known as 'the rationalist project' or'the enlightenment' are the names by which our current epoch in historyis known. A place in time where the question is, what is th...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 14:07:00 GMT