How does the air look today?
Courtesy of the Hong Kong Tourism Board's live web cam.
Check today's Air Pollution Index
Five Things the Government Should Do
1. Admit its a Crisis and Make it a Priority Air pollution is causing 1,600 premature deaths a year. SARS killed 298 in 2003.
2. Adopt WHO Air Quality guidelines
HK air quality measures don't match the rest of the world. Make the measures match.
3. Take Polluting vehicles off the road and clean up the Port
Introduce electronic road pricing, phase out old diesel vehicles by 2012 and implement a green port policy.
4. Develop a comprehensive energy plan
Make Hong Kong an energy-efficient city. Reward power plants for saving electricity, not selling more of it. Make new buildings conform to green building standards.
5. Tackle cross-border pollution
Work with the Guangdong authorities and manufacturers to tighten emissions standards, use cleaner fuels, and adopt an emissions trading program.
Five Things You Can Do
1. A Little Less Cool
Turn your air conditioner to 25.5 degrees Dress for the climate
2. Off When Idle
Don't idle your engine. If its not moving, switch it off. Better still take public transport!
3. Recycle
Recycling saves a lot of energy needed to make new products.
4. Write Your Government
Hong Kong Government often says few care about the air pollution problem - show them you do by writing in.
5. Switch Those Bulbs
Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs and lighting can go a long way to save energy and reduce the amount of coal burned to make electricity.
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What do YOU think of the air pollution situation in Hong Kong?
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