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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well here I am, living the suburban dream. Two kids, two dog, a cat, and a suv.frankly, I never thought my path in life would lead me here. I thank the stars above thay did, and I also thank them for not listening to me. God knows were I'd be if I got my way.Probably in a ditch somewere in a dazed and drunken slumber only to be awaken by a strange dog licking my face! Luckily for me fate took it's course.there is no strange dog to wake me, only a familiar beagle who barks to much and smells funny, and there is no lonely ditch.In it's place is a over crowded bed with two little monkeys jumping on it, two dog hogging it, a cat biting my toes, and a good man named Dan. All and all,LIFE IS GOOD!Very GOOD!!!!

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'v been thinking about it and I think I would stll like to meet YOUR MAMA!!!

My Blog

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