RIP Chris. You will be missed. :( profile picture

RIP Chris. You will be missed. :(

I am here for Friends

About Me

Rachel --
A master of sexual gratification
'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at What Rejected Crayon Are You?.. -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
Which Disney Princess Are You?
You're the girl who has everything but is still desperate for the thing she cannot have, love. Jasmine first wandered onto our screen in Aladdin (1992)

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You're Wicked! Others see you as a bad seed, but you're really just a good person. It's not your fault that others only see what's on the outside. You're misunderstood, and only want love in your life...START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Everything Anyone Ever Wanted To Know About You
The Basic Stuff
Name?: Rachel
Age?: 18
Height?: 5 foot 4 inches
Weight?: dont like talking about it.
Birthday?: 8-26
Birthplace?: Hoffman Estates
Current Location?: Lincoln
School/Grade?: College Freshman
Zodiac Sign?: Virgo
Chinese Zodiac Sign?: Dragon
Righty or Lefty?: LEFTY baby!
Haircolor?: Brown.
Eyecolor?: Brown.
Skin Color?: Tan/ Olive--- I'm part Indian, just look at me.
About You
What's Your Family Situation (Parents, Siblings, etc)?: Parents- Together, one sister
Any Pets?: nope.
If So What Are They?: none.
Favorite Relative?: My Cousin, Michelle
Least Favorite Relative?: Aunt Mi--- She's nuts.
What's Your Heritage/Race?: British, Italian, Indian and Australian
Political Affilation?: Liberal.
Love & Sex
Are You In A Relationship Now?: NO.
If So, With Whom?: no one.
For How Long?: not in one.
Are You In Love?: no, but i have a big crush
Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?: why, yes, yes i do.
Ever Had A Crush On Someone Of The Same Sex?: uhhh, NO!
How Old Were You When You Had Your First Kiss?: dont remember. i was prolly like 5
Virgin?: hells no.
If Not, How Old Were You When You Had Sex For The First Time?: wouldn't you like to know
Was It Enjoyable?: yes, very.
What's The Farthest You've Ever Gone?: i have been around the block.
Where Do You Most Like To Be Kissed?: my neck. or my right ear :)
Best Love Quote?: dont have
Your Friends
Best?: Sarah P or Karlie, many more
How Many Do You Have?: loads of best friends.
More Guys Or Girls?: guys
Love Them All?: yes :)
Any You Wish You Were Closer To?: sure, all of them
Oldest?: Mattchew
Newest?: Stephen
Pen Pal?: nope.
Friends And Words: Associate Them
Pen: writing
Flower: smelly
Pink: cute
Window: cold air
Heart: blood
Mother: bitch
Bread: bible
Insane: yes, thank you
Sunglasses: bright light
Pimp: HO!
Cross: jesus
Lonely: sad
Car: accident
Music: ipod
This Or That
Boxers or Briefs?: umm what ever he wears?
Thongs or G-Strings?: thongs.
Shorts or Pants?: pants.
Shoes or Barefeet?: barefoot
Books or Movies?: books, or movies... it depends
Night or Day?: night
Dark or Light?: light
Mountains or Beach?: beach
Snow or Sun?: sun
Pepsi or Coke?: pepsi
Guys or Girls?: guys
Swim or Surf?: surf!!! i love to surf!!!
For or Against
Gay Marriage?: FOR
Abortion?: for
Bush Getting Re-elected?: against
Suicide?: dont really have a stance here
War?: against
Pants?: umm depends who i am with.
Clothes In General?: again, depends who i am with
Penises?: yes, i like to see one now and again.
Color?: black, or blue.
Number?: 17 or 26
Holiday?: none in particular.
Season?: fall or spring
Movie?: it sounds childish, but Aladdin
Book?: "How to Sound Smart"
Magazine?: Cosmopolitan
Food?: anything italian
Drink?: soda, but i love tea
TV Show?: that 70's show
Song?: right now??? "move along" by the all american rejects
Band?: atari's
Computer Game?: not into that kind of thing.
Video Game?: anything where i can unleash my anger and kill someone
Anime/Manga?: no thanks?
Shirt?: what?
Pants?: ummm my one pair of apple bottoms.
Actor?: Heath Ledger
Actress?: Liv Tyler
Singer?: just one??? well then corrine bailey rae
Flower?: dont particularly like them, but hibiscuses
Scent?: Victoria's Secret Pure Seduction, or Be Delicious by DKNY, or True Star by Tommy Hilfiger
Animal?: umm anything cute and furry
Cookie?: thin mints, they have to be from the girl scouts
The Future
Want To Go To College?: i'm already here
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: a teacher. hopefully.
Want To Get Married?: not really.
Want To Have Kids?: no, i dont want children. stupid little fuckers.
What Would Their Names Be?: they dont exsist
How Many?: 00000000000000000
Where Do You Want To Live?: ummm in or near a large popular city
Where Do You Want To Get Married?: if, IF, if i get married in some pretty garden somewhere
How Do You Want To Die?: peacefully
More Stuff About You
Piercings?: only in my ears
Tattoos?: none.
Smoke?: hell no.
Drink?: pretty regularly.
Do Drugs?: no.
Skinny Dip?: sure why not?
Greatest Fear?: wolves, or being lousy in bed.
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate. because i am milk chocolatey
Go To Church?: regularly.
Religion?: epsicopalian
Scars?: yep. plenty of them.
CDs Owned?: no clue.
Collections?: ummm , lip gloss and sea shells
Like To Be Naked?: only when i am naked with another.
Ever Eaten Sushi?: yes. pretty damn good too.
An Entire Case Of Oreos?: noooo
Been On Stage?: please look at who you are asking!
Danced In The Rain?: ALWAYS!
Kissed Someone Of The Same Sex?: yes, it was a crazy night
Weirdest Dream?: ummm, prolly the one where count chocula was chasing me down with a knife
Best Dream?: i dont even want to get into it ;)
Saddest Dream?: my sister died. it was awful
Dream You Most Wish Would Come True?: well it would not be a dream if it came true, now would it?
Think You're Attractive?: sometimes.
Shoplifted?: no. dont steal. its bad, and unlawful.
Been Caught "Doing Something"?: yes.
Weirdest Makeout Place?: dont know?
Like Thunderstorms?: LOVE THEM!
Favorite Shoes?: my purple nikes, or $5 old navy flip flops
Favorite Quote?: "None of us are virgins, life has fucked us all"
Best Advice Given?: never say you are sorry, just appologize accordingly
Worst Advice Given?: just take some tylenol.
Favorite Song Lyric?: dont know
What Quote Says Most About Your Life?: dont know
Glad This Is Over?: yes. finally.
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My Interests

so i am interested in many things. make me laugh and we can be good friends.
Cyanide & Happiness @

I'd like to meet:

Rachel Alexis Worsley's Aliases

Your movie star name: Cheddar Chips Arthur
Your fashion designer name is Rachel London
Your socialite name is Tach Paris
Your fly girl / guy name is R Wor
Your detective name is Zebra Cary Grove
Your barfly name is Pretzels Malibu
Your soap opera name is Alexis Duxbury
Your rock star name is Twix Train
Your star wars name is Racbuz Wor
Your punk rock band name is The Happy Hammer The Amazing Meganame Generator


MySpace Layouts


I don't do scary movies... i dunno if it seems like TOO much of a reality, but I refuse to watch them... ummm i really like movie that are totally girly, i am not really into the tear jerkers (sp), i enjoy a good romance film once in while, my fav is Chocolat with Johnny Depp, and no it is not for Johnny, but for the CHOCOLATE, because that is the greatest concoction ever! PRAISE to the MAYANS! haha.... I like ne thing to do with: boys (um what girl does not) history (yes i am a nerd) documentaries... aka real life stuff there is more but i am rambeling, so tata!


fav shows are: CSI: Las Vegas Gilmore Girls Grey's Anatomyoccasionally i watch jerry springer. haha only when i am with my friend patrick tho :)


Total book nerd. Just ask and I can name five to 10 new favorites off the top of my head.


you. its that simple. i would like to meet anyone who would give me 5 minutes to talk to them. i love meeting people and making them feel comfortable. so just talk to me :)

My Blog

RIP Chris McGlasson

This is the one blog/ post I never thought that I would have to write. This is the one blog I don't want to write.2.15.2008 was a simple day. Classes at LC, chilling out with friend, etc. For me that ...
Posted by RIP Chris. You will be missed. :( on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 05:25:00 PST

CG SENIORS... sucks to be one...

I hate being in the Senior class of '06... we pulled the dumbest "pranks" today stink bombs??? cricketts, did we not see what happened in 2003, when all the cricketts went under senior bench? DEAD ROO...
Posted by RIP Chris. You will be missed. :( on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 03:12:00 PST

Musical in General???

So I want to say that no matter how much musical gets stuck in my head, i still don't like it... it will never be my favorite... Ne ways, I want to thank everyone in musical... like techies: Bryan, B...
Posted by RIP Chris. You will be missed. :( on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 01:44:00 PST

CLASS of 2006!!!!!

HAPPY 2006 BITCHES!!!!! Now that that is over... haha... NOW FOR THE THANKS.... thank you to............................................ Sarah Parise- for throwing the  most amazing new years par...
Posted by RIP Chris. You will be missed. :( on Mon, 02 Jan 2006 06:12:00 PST


Musical is that "special" time of year... it makes or breaks dreams and people really know what they want! well i tried out yesterday and i made call back's for the chorus... and yet, i really am not ...
Posted by RIP Chris. You will be missed. :( on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 05:24:00 PST

holiday season... maybe???

So yesterday my family and i put up our christmas tree... well it kinda sucks cause it does not feel like the holiday season... so many people are being strange and kinda freeks me out... i know ...
Posted by RIP Chris. You will be missed. :( on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 02:20:00 PST


Dr. Suess should go fuck himself.... and i think that CG should do a better musical... the end DAMN SEUSSICAL!...
Posted by RIP Chris. You will be missed. :( on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 03:17:00 PST


So I would personally like to say "THANK YOU" to all the techies and the people in the pit band, for all the hard work you have put in for Fall Follies... Secondly i would like to thank everyone for p...
Posted by RIP Chris. You will be missed. :( on Sun, 20 Nov 2005 08:51:00 PST

Trojan Pride... :)

I am gonna send out a special thanks to all those Varsity football players from the good ol' C-G.... THANKS FOR A GREAT SEASON AND START TO MY SENIOR YEAR! to the rest of my amigo's read on.... i know...
Posted by RIP Chris. You will be missed. :( on Sun, 13 Nov 2005 04:45:00 PST

break ups suck...

So for all of those people who do not know, as of Thursday, October 28, 2005, myself and brae singleton broke up... yes sad to say but true... So i have decided that if he does not want me, too bad. H...
Posted by RIP Chris. You will be missed. :( on Sat, 05 Nov 2005 08:46:00 PST