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About Me

Click on the above photo to purchase a 2008 Animal Rescue New Orleans calendar! All proceeds from the purchase of the calendar come directly to ARNO, and the animals!COMING SOON - The 2009 ARNO CALENDAR!!
Animal Rescue New Orleans (ARNO) is an organization created and dedicated to the rescue and aid of abandoned and homeless animals in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana and Mississippi, including responding to the immediate needs of those animals in need of medical care, or who have been neglected, abused and deprived of love. ARNO promotes the foster, adoption, and reunion of pets with caretakers, as well as spaying/neutering of all companion animals.
October 2008
ARNO is now approaching the 5,000 mark. That is 5,000 animals that this grassroots organization has helped since March 2006.
5,000 animals have been helped by this grassroots organization in the past 2 1/2 years.
5,000 animals that ARNO has trapped, rescued, or accepted from kill shelters.
5,000 animals that ARNO has treated, spay/neutered, moved in and out of its shelter.

ARNO has transported hundreds of healthy cats and kittens to no-kill organizations, rescues and shelters in other areas of the country where the placement rate and retention rate are much higher than here in New Orleans.
Please consider helping ARNO with a tax-deductible donation or Please consider donating your time at ARNO's no-kill shelter, located at 271 Plauche St., Harahan, LA 70123.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

We'd love to meet people who share our love and passion for animals. We are always in need of volunteers to help with our daily animal care needs. If you are interested in volunteering or making a donation, please visit our website at for more information.

Our Motto:
'Working together to rescue one-by-one until there are none left homeless, hungry, and unloved on the streets of the Gulf Coast region.'

My Blog

Don't forget to VOTE for ARNO on The Animal Rescue Site!

Just two clicks and typing in "ARNO" can win the shelter $20,000! We could really use it, too!Just go to on the purple badge that reads "free food for the ani...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Jul 2009 23:38:00 GMT

ARNO needs your help!!!

There is a Shelter Challenge going on right now on The Animal Rescue Site where they are giving away a total of $100,000 to animal shelters. ARNO is a part of this, and we need your help...
Posted by on Fri, 01 May 2009 20:07:00 GMT

Marcello's Family - A personal essay by a volunteer at ARNO that gets back as much as he gives.

Marcello's FamilyA volunteer at an animal shelter gets back as much as he gives. A personal essay. By Michael GroetschAs I pull into the parking lot of the Harahan no-kill animal shelteroperated by An...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 07:43:00 GMT

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It SNOW!!

Yes, it is snowing in New Orleans... today is the earliest ever recorded snowfall in our city's history. Before today's record-setting snowfall the weather service reports the previous record was set ...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Dec 2008 03:30:00 GMT

Volunteer Efforts Earn ARNO Beneficiary Status

The hard work of the dedicated volunteers and staff at ARNO within our community has been recognized by two prominent local organizations, one a non-profit and the other a famous New Orleans restauran...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Dec 2008 22:11:00 GMT

ARNO Kitten Needs Your Help!

Blackie is a young, friendly, black, neutered 4-5 month old kitten found in the Lower 9th Ward.Blackie has a diaphramatic hernia, i.e. his intestines and everything in that cavity has gone through the...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 19:46:00 GMT

ARNO Events November - December 2008

Saturday, Nov. 8th, 10am-4pmLongue Vue Gardens"It IS Easy Being Green" Day7 Bamboo Road, New Orleans 70124(across parish line from old Metairie by 17th St. Canal)ARNO adoptable dogs plus fabulous blin...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Nov 2008 21:43:00 GMT

Cocktails for K9s and Felines

Save the Date!!!Animal Rescue New Orleans hostsCocktails for K9s & FelinesDecember 5, 2008from 5pm to 9pmCreole Gardens Inn1415 Prytania St.New Orleans, LA(in the lower garden district)$20 ticket incl...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Oct 2008 21:21:00 GMT

ARNO Upcoming Events October-November

Please Come Out and Visit Animal Rescue New Orleans at one of our upcoming eventsThursday, Oct. 9, 5pm-7pmHarvest the Music Free Concert SeriesFeaturing Benjy Davis ProjectPresented by Second Harvest ...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 22:40:00 GMT

ARNO in April 2008 issue of W Magazine!

Back in January of 2008, famous photographer Bruce Weber came down to New Orleans with his crew from W Magazine to do a 60 page spread on the recovery of New Orleans. They had contacted the The Times ...
Posted by on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 17:39:00 GMT