sammi is in tha muthafuckin house profile picture

sammi is in tha muthafuckin house

*****YoU cAn SuCk Me 4 A lOnG tImE OmG.....*****

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Just A Little About Me
How old are you? 13
Are you single? hek yes
Are you religous? not really
If religous what religion? CHRISTEN
Whats Your Favorite Color? i like just abouts all color
What is your label? idk
Whats your Full Name? samantha lynn lindblade
Whats your favorite show? ummm...... bob the builder lol
Whats your favorite movie? coach carter and the longest yard
If not single who is you boyfriend/girlfriend? idk
Are you in love or have you been in love? I dont think so
What color is your hair? blonde
What color are your eyes? blue green like nine differant colors
How tall are you? abouts 5"4 ish
How much do you weigh? idk
Is your hair long or short? short and i hate it
Do you smoke? nope
Do you drink? sometimes only on special events you know!!!!
Are you cool? well duh
Are you poor, rich, or middle class? middle class
Do you believe in God? yep
Do you drive? yeah but noe legaly
If so what kinda car? idk yet???
Whats your favorite food? i like mac and chessee
Whats your favorite thing to do? hang with the homie g skillets
Who is your best friend? Emily Audrey and julie i guess lol jp she os
How many brothers & Sisters do you got (include names)? 3 and 2 brooke brandi ashley josh and terry but he died like 3 years ago
Whats your mom and dads name? kristi and dj
Do you have alot of friends? hek yeas

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S Sensational
A Ambitious
M Mesmerizing
M Masculine
I Industrious

B Bright
U Unreal
G Graceful
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Name Acronym Generator
Your love is... by
E Eccentric
M Mischievous
I Ideal
E Exciting

B Busy
O Overwhelming

B Brainy
E Elitist
M Modern
M Modern
I Industrious
E Exquisite
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
C Complicated
H Huge
A Astonishing
N Nutty

C Cranky
H Haunting
A Altruistic
N Neglected
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
M Magical
Y Young

F Fragrant
I Ideal
S Saintly
H Hairy
I Ideal
E Energetic
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator


K Keen

K Keen
Y Yucky
L Legendary
E Enchanting
R Radical
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
T Tender
R Rich
I Irresistible
Z Zonked
E Exquisite
N Neat
T Technological
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
C Creative
H Healthy
A Appreciative
D Dainty
A Amorous
L Luxurious
I Insane
N Nice
A Amazing
Name / Username:

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