I'd like to meet:
I am interested in meeting all kinds of people. I especially like meeting fellow Washington Redskin fans-hold your heads up high! Fellow Wiccans and Pagans, cat lovers,fellow gardeners, scifi fans, especially Stargate SG1- we will never forget you. I am also interested in new cultures, different ways of life and learning about all of it. And a 12 step program for ebay would no doubt thrill my friends...
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Guy's Hot, but the car ROCKS!!
.... ..
He's gorgeous-so sue me
Pause automatic music player before starting this video.
Myspace Layouts
My coworker, Princess Mu.
Stargate SG1-Unending. Don't tell anyone it's here, MGM is demanding all vids remove soundtrack.
My old friend :
Pure white, with velvet coat,
Silken goatee, like a goat.
A lions tail of courtly grace,
A figure we could all embrace.
She has been around, for untold years,
Sometimes seen through flowing tears.
Selfless and yet solitaire,
Elusive as the misty air.
A gentle maiden, can tame her soul,
But never be in complete control.
Her spirits young and full of love,
Sometimes passive as a dove.
Oh..what affection she could bring,
On soothing days, in the spring.
A musing friend, to share the day,
All your troubles, melt away.
Just to watch her run and play,
Make my thoughts just drift away.
Cloven hooves she prances high,
A smiling tear falls from my eye.
The years have passed, I'm getting old,
But in my arms I still can hold.
The gentlest creature ever born,
My friend, who's called, a Unicorn.
by linkk
Today this moment is all hers,
Filled with easy restful cures.
Against her palm she rests her head,
Her mind at ease,with thoughts unsaid.
Her body's tired, from all the strain
Her muscles ache, but don't complain.
All this effort was well spent,
Her will is strong, and unbent.
A restful stare comes from her eyes,
Calm and soothing thoughts arise.
She slowly sees her life unveil,
Of happy times in great detail.
Her mind wanders through the years,
Days filled with love and with tears.
Closure flows across her face,
Giving her a soft embrace.
by linkk
I know this wasn't especially for me, but it said exactly what I was feeling at exactly the right time. It was a huge comfort to me. Thank you linkk."Unicorn Guarding His Faerie Glen"
When the sky is light you can find him there
Greeting the dawn with a shake of his hair
Letting the faerie glen folk that he is still here
Their protector through the ages will always be there.
Try and find him if you can he is always ever aware,
He is never where you look but only where you don't.
That's part of his magic that aids him take
Of the Faerie Glen in his care.
Look with your heart not with your eyes
Only the pure of heart can see while the eyes are always blind
In my heart I have found him a dozen times over
But my eyes have only seen this Magical Unicorn once.
blog post by IBelieveCollectibles
Sun sets on the secluded hollow...a unicorns quiet lair,
A refuge for this magnificent beast and his lovely mare.
He guards this sacred ground, for his children are soon to be,
When gargoyle or minotaurs approach, he fights, he does not flee.
by IBelieveCollectibles
"The Unicorn"
In a Far off Mountain Valley …Where
Knights slay Dragons for their Feast,
Another Creature wonders through the Forrest,
White mane and twisted horn this beast adorn.
It drinks at fountain springs where
winged Fairies flutter by,
And beds itself in fields, not far off,
of clover, alf-alfa and rye.
The Villagers wonder from their
modest abodes into this enchanted grove,
They come bearing gifts for Gods from Dragons to
Unicorns…..things both carved and woven.
This magestic beast, white of coat, and long of mane,
Rules the forrest floor and directs the inhabitants for their
own gain.
When in his woods….The Unicorn you must not fear,
But, when within his reach, his Law you must adhere.
by IBelieveCollectibles
How to make a unicorn
5 parts friendliness
1 part self-sufficiency
1 part beauty
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of sadness"A DRAGON WEEPS TONIGHT"
The dragon returns to his lair with
a meal for his dragoness lover,
But as he approaches he feels
something is wrong,
above the cave he hovers.His love is sprawled out awkward
with neck and wings askew,
Her body is limp and lifeless
and her wings are covered with dew.Her eyes are glazed over and
her tongue hangs without life,
Looking down upon the scene the
dragons world is filled with strife.His love is gone, her body is
lifeless and her soul has gone away,
This is an ugly ending to
a bright and carefree day.He cautiously enters the cave
and gives a low and sorowfull call,
Then he shelters in a corner
to moan and let his new shed tears fall.Without his dragoness his
life seems a useless plight…
That is why, on a distant mountain top,
a dragon weeps tonight.by IBelieveCollectibles
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