I am a woman who dances with life. I am a single mom-- they call me Momba!- i have 2 guiding stars in my life- Forest who is 17 years old and Canyon who is 13- and now i have to pleasure of a daughter living with me- Annie who is an amazing 18 year old young woman on the edge- ready to dive into the rest of her life!! - I am a homebirth midwife working within the sacred circle of birth in many incarnations for the last 12 years- I am a community DJ for our KMUD- redwood community radio broadcasting live in humboldt, mendocino, and trinity counties of northern california- on the radio i weave a tapestry of world music with the intention of invoking the spirit of world peace-my show is called tribal groove and this happens every 1st and 3rd saturday of each month on KMUD, and on the 3rd sunday of each month i am honored to present a 1 hour show in which i create sacred space and share aspects of paganism and how to weave magick in all that we do- I am a priestess, a daughter of the elements, a woman of ceremony, a sister of the moon, a healer of the earth mother, and the sun father has claimed as his own, i leave offerings to the elementals for the gifts i receive within each breath-i am a ordained minister and i have priestessed 20 weddings so far- i am a homesteader- gardener- aspiring in the realms of permaculture- i make salsa's, jams, pies, wines, pesto and i dream of having a cellar one day to house the abundance from the garden throughout the long nights of winter- I am a dancer, AH YES! I am a dancer and i love to feel the magick flowing thru me when i dance - the rhythms of the earth, like sacred geometry, a mathematical equation that moves my body thru this physical reality and into the matrix where she spirals all the beauty of creation thru me- and I am also one of those who wander but are not in the least bit lost- i have traveled around this beautiful planet earth mostly with my 2 sons and my gypsy feet tingle most all of the time- but alas while i am raising sons on my own, working as a community homebirth midwife, and always busy on the homestead (the list is never shortened no matter how many things i manage to cross off)- my current passion is Africa- J'adore Afrik- and planning my 2nd journey there this winter with my 16 year old son Forest who turned me on to this web we are woven into together('http://myspace.nuclearcentury.com/images/banners/b
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