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Todd Wayne

BUT WHY'S THE RUM GONE?!...Oh Todd drank it all. Great.

About Me

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My Interests

"If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal and if they can't stop you, you become something else entirely - a legend..."

"These moments, as beautiful as they are...they're evil when they're gone...."

It's said "That which does not kill you, only makes you stronger." If that is indeed true, in 2007, Todd Cheney shall be invincible."

I'd like to meet:

Maddy's Birthday DVD Slideshow. (pardon the watermark, its meant for DVD not mpeg exporting. It doesnt show up on the DVD, just the MPEG)


My Chemical Romance
Breaking Benjamin
Linkin Park


Miami Vice
Inside Man
POTC: Dead Man's Chest
V for Vendetta
X-Men: The Last Stand
I, Robot
Bad Boys 1 & 2
Rising Sun
Murder at 1600
Art of War
Blade Trilogy
3rd Lord of the Rings
Bourne Identity/Supremecy
What Women want (shut up it was funny and helen hunt is hot)
Queen of the Damned
Resident Evil: Apocolypse
Daddy DayCare (I can relate to it all to well)
Ready to Rumble (Only because it the best wrestling match Ive seen in about oh 4 years....sad)
Beyond the Mat
Dodgeball (wasnt bad, watched it for the first time last night, lots of nut shots, so i laughed)
Ice Age 1 & 2(The cartoon, yes.)
Independence Day
XXX (he blew a lotta crap up, thats why i liked it)
AVP (had its bad ass moments)
F&F 1 &2 (regardless of who admits it, it brought alot of people into tuning, too bad most were ricers)
Underworld and Underworld EVOLUTION(Cuz Kate is my
Big Daddy
Mr Deeds ( I am berry berry sneaky, sir) I loved that.
Predator 1
Matrix Trilogy
A Knights Tale
Batman 1 & 2 (Val Kilmer was horrible, but George Clooney was perfectly good for the role, its just the movie around him sucked.)
The Recruit
Batman Begins
Surviving Christmans
The Pacifier
Man on Fire
The Seige
Die Hard(s)
The whole 9 and 10 Yards


Not much cuz TV sucks these days.
The Sheild
24 Cuz Snarfy sucks Jack Bauer's Left Toe
Wanted (Starting July 31st)
Angel (off the air now)
NCIS (I shall shag Abby!)
And occasionally WWE wrestling


Robert Ludlum. Pretty much anything he writes.Angels & Demons, and The Davinci Code. Also, alot of occult reads as I used to work in an Occult Research division.


My grandfather and father.

My Blog

Bill Blake

I cant seem to wrap my head around this at all. He was just a kid. A cocky arrogant loveable smart ass that we accepted as a big teddy bear and i cant get this out of my head. I was just giving him sh...
Posted by Todd Wayne on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 09:07:00 PST

Best Justice

 Well for once it seems patience has been both bestowed upon me, AND benefited me. I cant go into details, because some of it is "classified", but I did exactly as I said. Sometimes the best just...
Posted by Todd Wayne on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 09:53:00 PST

New Years Itinerary

Laaaaaaadies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages.........It's about that time again. One more time, with a bit more fun!Michigan! You Fat Ass Hand Shaped Unemployed Slag of a State!ARE...
Posted by Todd Wayne on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 10:58:00 PST

FYI’s & Update

Sup all, no real point to this blog, just FYI'sFirst off, some of the area of my hair are finally coming back. I was scared it wouldnt at all. So it looks to be a temp. thing. Thank goodness, I miss m...
Posted by Todd Wayne on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 02:29:00 PST

Blog from a Bald Man......

Well, looks like its time for this old man to join the bald people union. Some of the chemicals at my job are seriously messing with me. Most of my facial hair changed to blonde, and the rest of the h...
Posted by Todd Wayne on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 06:13:00 PST

South Beach Pictures

Well, I got bored and stupid. So I went to South Beach, FL. Amazing. Simply Amazing. I stayed at The Palms- South Beach. Talk about spoiling yourself rotten. The service was unlike anything Ive ever h...
Posted by Todd Wayne on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:15:00 PST

Day 5 and 6

Well, Im healing up nicely now. Amazing the healing time it took. It was almost all in one day that all the pox had scabbed over. There's gonna be some scars, but I really could give a shit....thanks ...
Posted by Todd Wayne on Wed, 30 May 2007 12:18:00 PST

The Destruction of Todd Wayne Cheney. Chicken Pox, Part Deux

Day two, then day threeb00m....
Posted by Todd Wayne on Sun, 27 May 2007 02:57:00 PST

Chicken Pox

Im 28. With Chicken Pox. Best Ive heard as to explanation, was "you may have actually HAD this laying dormant for many years, and it was just looking for a time when your immune system is at a low whe...
Posted by Todd Wayne on Sat, 26 May 2007 02:37:00 PST

The repeated curse of birthdays...

Well, to keep with general concensus of birthdays that suck ass, I am here to join that coallition of people. Yep. Mine sucked. I've worked more hours of pure overtime than a normal work weeks hours a...
Posted by Todd Wayne on Tue, 22 May 2007 07:07:00 PST