Flavio Diaz profile picture

Flavio Diaz

About Me

Flavio Diaz was born in Naples in 1988. Since he was a little child his first passions were the piano and the computers. He grows up listening all types of music but obsessed by videogames melodies building up his iterest for electronic music in particular. At the age of 15 he falls in love with Techno joining all the big parties in Naples and inspired by many artists like Rino Cerrone, Markantonio, Gabriel Ananda, Marco Carola, Adam Beyer, Richie Hawtin, Trentemoller, Marco Bailey, Chris Liebing, Speedy J, Leeroy Thornhill, Alex Under, Mistress Barbara etc... Day by day just as a game he begins to have his first approachs with music production softwares and in particular electronic music production ones, and in the meanwhile gaining more and more experience and skill playing in most of the best clubs of his city. First exploring the world of experimental electronic music production, but his techno/funk influence was clear to see also in his first tracks ever. With the time his Dj Sets and his productions were changing, growing the quality and the production methods until he decides in 2007 to go to study "Music Production and Sound Engineering" in two colleges in London. After almost one year after he moved to London, his musical and technical knowledge was rising track by track bringin in a little period of time his skills to very high productive levels. Soon after he signed for many big Labels in the Techno scene like ANALYTICTRAIL (Markantonio's Label), his first vinyl, receiving a lot of good feedbacks and played in very big events like Awakenings Festival by many important dj's like Adam Beyer, Rino Cerrone, Mistress Barbara, Christian Varela, Xpansul etc... In the "coming soon" we will see many releases in the great collaboration with the neapolitan master of techno Rino Cerrone and many other EPs and remixes on many other Labels like LOOSE (Rino Cerrone's Label), RILIS (Rino Cerrone's Label), MKT (Markantonio's Label), WEAVEMUSIC ecc...------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ -----
Flavio Diaz nasce a Napoli nel 1988. Fin da piccolissimo le sue prime passioni erano il Piano e i Computer. Cresce ascoltando tutti i tipi di musica ma ossessionato dalle melodie dei videogiochi costruendo il suo primo interesse per la musica elettronica in particolare. All'eta di 15 anni si innamora della Techno prendendo parte a tutti i più grandi eventi a Napoli e ispirato da molti artisti quali Rino Cerrone, Markantonio, Marco Carola, Gabriel Ananda, Adam Beyer, Richie Hawtin, Trentemoller, Marco Bailey, Chris Liebing, Leeroy Thornhill, Alex Under, Mistress Barbara ecc... Giorno dopo giorno quasi per gioco Flavio inizia ad avere i suoi primi approcci con i software di produzione musicale e in particolare quelli dedicati particolarmente alla musica elettronica, e nel contempo ampliando la sua esperienza nei set suonando nei club della sua città. Agli inizi esplora il mondo della musica elettronica sperimentale, ma la sua influenza techno/funk era chiaramente visibile nelle sue primissime tracce. Col passare del tempo i suoi dj set e le sue produzioni stavano evolvendosi, aumentava la qualità e i metodi di produzione erano sempre in continua crescita tecnica finche nel 2007 decide di andare ad approfondire e studiare Produzione Musicale e Ingegneria Del Suono in due college a Londra. Dopo quasi un anno dalla sua partenza la sua conoscenza musicale e tecnica aumentava traccia dopo traccia portando le sue capacità a livelli produttivi molto alti in breve tempo. Poco dopo ha firmato per molte grandi etichette della scena Techno, come ANALYTICTRAIL, dove esce il suo primo disco, ricevendo moltissime reazioni positive e suonato in grandissimi eventi come l'Awakenings Festival da Djs del calibro di Adam beyer, Rino Cerrone, Mistress Barbara, Christian Varela, Xpansul ecc... Nelle "prossime uscite" lo vedremo svariate volte in collaborazione con il Master della Techno Napoletana Rino Cerrone, e molti altri EP e remix su etichette come LOOSE, RILIS, MKT, WEAVEMUSIC ecc..
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My Interests


Member Since: 7/18/2007
Band Members: DUBFIRE Plays Rino Cerrone & Flavio Diaz Miseno @ Vanguard in Hollywood

UMEK Plays Flavio Diaz Try To Loose @ Sala Boss Almeria

Rino Cerrone plays Flavio Diaz Another Last Cigarette @ Old River Park 06 09 2008

Markantonio plays Flavio Diaz Mister Jetix @ Old River Park 01 05 2008
Influences: adam beyer, chris liebing, speedy j, marco carola, kraftwerk, richie hawtin ,marco bailey, rino cerrone, paco osuna, markantonio, dave clarke, secret cinema, the advent, misstress barbara, christian smith, gabriel ananda, +FABRIC LONDON!+ chemical brothers, davide squillace, alex under, carl craig, sven vath, paul van dyk, gaetano parisio, oliver koletzki, joel mull, johannes heil, joris voorn, steve bug, deep dish, madonna, xpansul, christian varela, len faki, cari lekebush, par grindvik, leeroy thornhill, carl cox, trentemoller, prodigy++TIMEWARP!!++
Sounds Like: _techno_house_minimal_funky_experimantal_electronic_

Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

DUBFIRE Charted Miseno April '09

Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 18:09:00 GMT

Misstress Barbara Charted Azzekkatek JAN '09

Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 15:15:00 GMT

Booking Requests

'THE MAIN' BOOKINGSE-MAIL: [email protected]: +39 / 081 193 62 253 - +39 / 081 599 29 40  FAX: +39 / 081 195 76 613WEB SITE: www.themain.it / www.internationaltalent.it
Posted by on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 12:09:00 GMT