xANTISOCIALx profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Im 29 years old but i have a 16 years old kid mentallity, im vegan sxe , ive been sxe for 14 or 15 years (i dont remember), so sxe is my FUCKING LIFE!, I love my girlfriend lulu, bmx, baseball, traveling, videogames, bmx, anime, and of course hardcore, HARDCORE IS MY FUCKING LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Interests

sxe, veganism, hardcore, metal, bmx, japanese animation, videogames, 80s memorabilia, history, baseball

I'd like to meet:

"THE ONLY UNSINKABLE SHIP IS FRIENDSHIP"AIM ME !!!! my screen name is: xveganferx


a lot of diverse crap: hardcore (my love my life), thrash metal, heavy metal, some grindcore, some death metal, some hard rock, some classic rock, some coutry, some crust, 80s new wave, some ambiental music, some smooth jazz, some new age music etc


80s movies, star wars(all), alien(all), rambo(all), fight club, robocop (all) , starsky & hutch, robin hood prince of thieves, tron, krull. blade runner, lord of the rings, the punisher, the blue thunder, breakfast club, good times at ridgemont high and lots of japanese animation series and movies


Er, friends, any day now, beverly hills 90210, third watch, the sopranos, 21 jump street, macross, and several japanese animation tv series,boston public, starssy & hutch; magnum , miami vice, knight rider


lots of anime comics (manga), sci fi and history books


Lucia castrellon brenner:my granny (RIP), i love you granny, i miss you lots, te quiero mucho abuelita, te extraño

My Blog

my top 24

i recently decided to add my best friends on my top 24, just to let you know if you are there, that means you are my friend, that you gave me friendship, you gave me a place to eat/sleep, you helped m...
Posted by xANTISOCIALx on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 11:46:00 PST

you better fill this out!!

Name:Age:Location:Looking for long term, short term/fun or friends with benefits:What do you like 2 do:Tattoos:Piercings:Do you drink:Do you smoke:Do you do drugs:Are you in school:What is y...
Posted by xANTISOCIALx on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 08:48:00 PST

just my favorite bands on my top 8!!!

ok guys i got sick of people asking me why they are not on my top 8. i dont like to categorize, compare or tell that some friends are better than others, so...just my favorite bands are going to be on...
Posted by xANTISOCIALx on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 10:48:00 PST

life sux sometimes.....

i think i should stop to care and worry about people that doesnt care or give a fuck about me, and maybe start to worry and take care about myself........its not fair that i spend alot of time and mon...
Posted by xANTISOCIALx on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 02:23:00 PST