sxe, veganism, hardcore, metal, bmx, japanese animation, videogames, 80s memorabilia, history, baseball
"THE ONLY UNSINKABLE SHIP IS FRIENDSHIP"AIM ME !!!! my screen name is: xveganferx
a lot of diverse crap: hardcore (my love my life), thrash metal, heavy metal, some grindcore, some death metal, some hard rock, some classic rock, some coutry, some crust, 80s new wave, some ambiental music, some smooth jazz, some new age music etc
80s movies, star wars(all), alien(all), rambo(all), fight club, robocop (all) , starsky & hutch, robin hood prince of thieves, tron, krull. blade runner, lord of the rings, the punisher, the blue thunder, breakfast club, good times at ridgemont high and lots of japanese animation series and movies
Er, friends, any day now, beverly hills 90210, third watch, the sopranos, 21 jump street, macross, and several japanese animation tv series,boston public, starssy & hutch; magnum , miami vice, knight rider
lots of anime comics (manga), sci fi and history books
Lucia castrellon brenner:my granny (RIP), i love you granny, i miss you lots, te quiero mucho abuelita, te extraño