dear friends
In celebration of the first official ReignDear release, We are proud to announce not only a nine song album foreword appropriately entitled "good old fashioned birth" but also the first official website
The site allows users to listen to the album in it's entirety (click music) and even the freedom to download a DIY kit (click store/download) to make your very own at home, all you'll need is a printer, scissors and a little glue. More exciting than that, is that for a few stamps and a thank-you of any sort ReignDear will be hand making a very limited quantity of records to send to fans directly in your choice of 3 colors.
the support page allows users to link up with the band on various sites including facebook, sterofame and xradiostage. by simply clicking any link you will be helping ReignDear and we thank-you for this.
there are a few pictures up already and a video is on it's way.
We hope you will go check out the site and look forward to expanding it for the future release of "good old fashioned life after birth." which the band are working on completing at this very moment.
yours sincerely
for a copy of the foreword visit