truth is, things rarely keep our attention longer than a few seconds.
we think everything is funny.
we aren't interested in doing things that others before us have done. We look (and are looking) for more.
we are roommates matched perfectly.
we are easy to please and the pickiest people ever all at the same time.
we bring out the inner child in everyone and we want to keep it that way, forever.
* * * *
we are currently being inspired and obsessed with:
crafts, baking too much and giving it away, holidays, colorful shoes, redbox, omelets, stripes, polka dots, good books, meeting people, olivey green and yellow, fountain sodas, and polaroids.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Come say hi!
email us at [email protected]
or IM(aol) us at heyandyandotis..