SARANG PENYAMUN profile picture



About Me

Sarang Penyamun was formed in a small peace city Jombang on June 26th 2006. Play hardcore/punk Abid on bass/vocal, Deli on Guitar and Aris on drum. But this is not a solid formation, we changed Aris with Salomo and add a vocalist Djalile. Because of his study Salomo left this band, so we change him with Andre the (Paviliun 13 and Voiceless Screaming). This is the end of our solid formation. Now we are ready to scream !!!

My Interests


Member Since: 18/07/2007
Band Members: Djalile : Vockill Dirly : Guitarra Abid : Bass Andri : Drumm
Influences: grindcore,fastcore,powerviolence,hc,punk,oi! VOICELESS SCREAMING,THE MENTAL DESTROY,SUFFER IN SICK, PUTRIDITY,PAVILIUN 13. minorthreat,domestik doktrin,relationshit,extreme decay,killharmonic, Scholastic deth,Betercore,DS-13,ExTxAx,Lie,Razors edge,Betercore,Vitamin x,Hellnation,Limpwrist,Hit me back,what happens next?Secretx7,Fasts,7seconds,SSD,Chainsaw,Cut the shit,Career suicide,Discarga,Infect,Seein red,Migra violenta,Infest,voetsek,Heresy,Rambo,Caustic christ,Damage deposit,,Bruce banner,Jellyroll rockheads,Municipal waste,vivisick,Tear it up,Mass separation,Pointing finger outlast,scott baio army,infest,Charles bronson,bumi putra rockers,Gauze,Operation ivy,youth of today,gorilla biscuit,insted,warzone,Dropdead,container crusties from hell,Kontrovers,wolfbrigade/wolfpack,tragedy,skitsystem,beyo nd description,fuck on th beach,devola,deadfall,diskonto,from ashes rise,totalitar,edora,doom,detestation,endstand,flash gordon,breakfast,look back and laugh,pig destroyer,nasum,sayyadina,space to being,FxPxO,nailed down,total fury,the oath...and more
Sounds Like: Denger sendiri aja deh...
Record Label: Suka Teriak Record
Type of Label: Indie

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