Drawing, Painting, Tattooing, Messing with Photoshop, Going to shows, and watching horror movies.
People that aren't assclowns, punks/skins, drunks, artists, people with open minds.
old school punk and hardcore.
David Lynch movies, Takashi Miike Movies, A Clockwork Orange, 16 Years Of Alcohol, John Waters Movies, Oldboy, Battle Royale, the believer, ice from the sun, 9-11 in plane sight,the manson family, spun, gummo, seven, s.f.w., and alot of indie movies.
When I can: C.S.I., South Park, CNN, UFC. I work afternoons.
Among the thugs, Reinventing the tattoo, Deviant, The last victim, and Poems for the dead.
Pushead, Dali, Giger, Robert Williams, Neil Gaiman, Guy Aitchison, Derek Hess, Raymond Pettibon, Marc Rude, MC Escher, and Shepard Fairey.