DJ Robert Mart profile picture

DJ Robert Mart

My Interests


Member Since: 7/18/2007
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Tutti i contenuti delle tracce audio del DJ Robert Mart sono depositati in S.I.A.E.
All the audio tracks contents are property of DJ Robert Mart and protected by S.I.A.E.

This is the official myspace place of DJ ROBERT MART.
Welcome to the world of the new house music

Robert Mart, DJ dal 1989 muove i suoi primi passi durante l’era della Acid Beat con uno spiccato interesse, sempre vivo, per la cultura anni 70’ e 80’. Partendo da feste private, in poco tempo, grazie alla sua voglia di affermarsi, approda sulle console dei migliori locali milanesi e del rispettivo hinterland, tra cui le discoteche Lizard e Time.
Nel corso degli anni 90 partecipa alla B.I.T. School di Roberto Cislaghi collaborando con i migliori DJ di quegli anni. Negli ultimi anni ha tralasciato il live mixing per dedicarsi alla ricerca di nuove sonorità.
Robert Mart torna con lo scopo di affermarsi come DJ Producer sulla scena Internazionale della nuova House Music proponendo nuove elaborazioni sonore e grooves musicali. Nuovi particolari e nuove sonorità per ricercare attraverso un pubblico di tendenza la sua massima espressione sonora: Robert Mart, The Groove is Art!

Robert Mart, DJ since 1989 moves its first steps during the age of acid beat with a keen interest, always alive, for the culture of the ’70 and ’80. Starting from private parties, in a short time, thanks to his will to assert itself, was called on the console of the best club in Milan (Italy) and their hinterland, including the Lizard and Time discos.
Over the ‘90 participates in the B. I. T. school of Roberto Cislaghi collaborating with the best DJ of those years. In recent years has left out the live mixing in order to research new sound experience.
Robert Mart back with the aim to establish itself as DJ producer on the international stage of the new house music by proposing new elaborations of sound and groove music. New details and new sounds to search through a trend public its maximum expression: Robert Mart, The Groove is Art!

Robert Mart, DJ del 1989 mueve los suyos primeros pasos durante la era del Acid Beat con un sobresaliente interés, siempre vivo, por la cultura años 70' y 80.' Partiendo de fiestas privadas, en poco tiempo, gracias a su gana de afirmarse, arriba sobre las consolas de los mejores locales milaneses y el correspondiente extrarradio, entre cuyo las discotecas Lizard y Time.
En el curso de los años 90 participa en el B.I.T. School de Roberto Cislaghi colaborando con los mejores DJ de aquellos años. En los últimos años ha omitido el live mixing para dedicarse en busca de nuevas sonoridades.
Robert Mart vuelve con el objetivo de afirmarse DJ Productora sobre la escena Internacional del nuevo House Music como proponiendo nuevas elaboraciones sonoras y grooves musicales. Nuevos detalles y nuevas sonoridades para investigar por un público de tendencia su máxima expresión sonora: Robert Mart, The Groove is Art!

.: 2008 SESSION :.
...coming soon...

We're looking at new dj or singer, with a great voice for dance house music, and innovative project or idea.
All demos received by DJRM are listened to and replied to. With the amount of demos we are currently receiving, we would prefer if you could send your best tracks rather than sending loads. If we like what we hear, then we will get back to you and ask to hear more. Demos are acceptable in MP3 FORMAT, sent by EMAIL (MAX 3 MB). Please attach in the email your contact information and the type of software or instruments used to generate the track.
ATTENTION: We don't acept demo from artists booked in other labels. This opportunity is for non professional artist.
To send me your demo, please CLICK HERE .

coming soon...

Record Label: Unsigned

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