Pg.5 profile picture


About Me

Page 5.; A project based in the heart of the Station North Arts District, brings together artists and an appreciation for the arts. Currently operating from the Copycat building in Baltimore, Md and fixing up a full plate of exhibitions for this summer and fall.
What exists within pAGEFIVE?
    There is page5 Studios where we play and make things we enjoy making. Sometimes we work together and sometimes we do our own thing. Our studio spaces are open pretty often for people to come work, keep work, or just keep company.
    We have the Page Five Gallery which is currently undergoing it's creation. Within our main space in the Copycat building we have nice new beautiful walls with sweet lighting so we can show artwork that we want people to see.
    We are also working on the Red Wall, which is an awesome space to display MORE artwork and hold bigger events such as art openings, shows and concerts.
    Page 5ive Onl1ne, Currently just this unfinished myspace account with no pictures but soon an echoing portal to an infinite black hole of online artistic resources and projects.

Pg 5.
    Current Show i made it !

    March 7th, 2008 A Collection of Visible Artwork: New Work by Brady Starr
    March 15th, 2008 The Odds of March: Page Five Gallery **GRAND OPENING**

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Baltimore artists, artists of all sorts and fans of the arts. Check blog for updates on calls for submissions to future Page 5 shows.

My Blog

Public Figure 5essions

Today was our first public figure session and we had a blast! So much in fact we have decided to do it every week. Sunday's at 1pm we're going to open our studio for figure sessions. These sessions in...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 23:21:00 GMT

happy bad postponed until ??/5/07

Hi and hello.I'm sorry :( happy bad is being postponed until after October. Please do what ever it takes to not cry.Submissions are still being taken, so keep sending emails and keep telling friends. ...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 01:31:00 GMT

happy bad 5ubMi55ion5 form

Call for Artwork Submissions.Deadline August 25Please submit the following information along with 1-5 pieces of artwork in person or email .JPG format:Artist*Name:*Phone: Bio:Artwork*Title:*Dimensions...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 13:54:00 GMT

5. call for art submissions: happy bad

 ..>..>..> ...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 01:46:00 GMT

Gallery Almost Fini5hed

so it's about time to show off this gallery that all of us have been working so hard to create. Just a few more layers of paint and a couple technical changes and we can curate an awesome show for yo...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 22:17:00 GMT