XAinX profile picture


dOnt juGde tHe bOoks by Its coVer

About Me

aSsalammuaLAikum....hy,mY naMe iZ nUrrUl aIn...u Can caLL me Ain or NurrUL if u waNt..bUt im mOre coMfortaBle wiTh aIn...nOw iM 21..Im sTudy aT UUM sIntOk keDah..taKing baChelOr of bUSinESs aDmiN...WhuT yOu waNt to kNOw bOut Me??Erm....lOvely,TalkatiVe perSOn,sIngiNg,stUdying,waTchiNg movIeS,debaTe,Layout made by < ? Ricks Girl ? >

My Interests

enjoY teachINg,SingInG,aCting,DirecT a theaTer,WatchIng MOvIeS,sPeNd a Lot of TIMe witH faMilY,haNginG oUt wiTH siBliNgs n freNZ,lIstEn to MuSIc,reaDinG maLAy bOokS N sOMetiMes engLish versIon,giviNg lecTUre to FreNz,HelpING peoPle,spOrtS,chattiNg,SUrfiNG iNTerNet,taLKinG,debaTe,PoeM,wRitInG,SmS,LOiTerrIng sOMetIMes,EaTinG,sLeePing,sTudyINg,MeetiNg PeoPle aND maNY MOre..

I'd like to meet:

aNyoNe,aNyboDy,aNyoNe aND Of coUrSe yoU thaT reaD mY PrOfiLe.....didnt judge friendship by looking up ur personality...and i love to meet people that bring happiness in my life..I WouLD lIKe tO fINe sOmeBodY thaT i caN sHare INteresT..yOu kNow whUt?i fiNe soMethIn'in mY lIfe...nevEr trUst freNz 100% becaUse u nevEr kNow whAt theY talkIng aBout u at baCk..i hate back staBBer..i haTe peoPle whOm uSing mE..tHey aRe foOliNg theM seLf..tHey diD nOt knOw whicH whOm thEy aRe plaYinG...iT's huRt when sOmebOdy tHat u loVe aNd resPect aRe foOling u aroUnd aNd uSe U aS a joKez..thAts sUcKs..im SOry to heAr tHat..i nEed to Be profesionaLis...So,maY gOd wiLL puniSh thEm..i praY to ALLAH to oPen thIs peoPle heaRt aNd maKe tHem reaLise they fooliSneSs....aMIn...i never pray bad to them...erm....and also to all the muslem i hope that ALLAH will bless all of us...amin...im alSo waNna MEet mY frenZ:- 1.Eja 2.Huda 3.erEn 4.waNi 5.nik 6.amirz 7.t-kah 8.mala 9.ema 10.elawhO i waNna MeeT:- 1.ALl waNgSakiAnz...x-waNGsa tOO 2.teacHerS.. 3.tUn dr.mahatHIr aNd daTok sri aBdoLlah aHmad baDwi 4.Siti NurhaLIza,KrU,maWi 5.aLL the muSlem around The woRld 6.aLL of yOU..


i like universal music as long as the music didnt make me feel to blow up...local music such as siti nurhaliza...abroad music iz backstreetboys...avril lavingn....simple plan...


Harry Potter, The LOrd Of The rInGs, PutrI gUnuNg LedaNg, Embun, NarNia, piratEs of Carribean,


AKadeMi faNtaSia,bULettIn UtAma,MeLOdi,MacAm-maCam AznIL,reMaJa,hiTs,


semUa buKu aKu baCa... bUku paLing BeSh iaLAh sejAraH.. beSh gILer...aLL aBout hIStOry i lIke to reaD... lOve to reAd first noVelIS thriLler iN maLaysIa wriTen bY raMlee awaNg mUrShid...

My Blog


bikin ati panas
Posted by XAinX on Thu, 31 May 2007 11:36:00 PST