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Selfism,electricity and selfism. Your answers you seek are within yourself. Selfism is not of selfishness, but self righteousness and God within. Respect yourself, be the best person you can be. Recognize your mistakes when you can, learn from them (even if it takes a few times) and the rest will come together. There is a saying that the best trick the devil played on mankind is for mankind not to beleive he exists. I think it may run a bit deeper than just that. The devil created religion to create doubt, differences, self turmoil and war. There is no end to life, just a next phase in cycle. The people are free to be individual, but must realize the soul is a connection to one another over and over again. Just as this single earth is connected to other worlds, other earths living, dying and recreating over and over. Galaxy after galaxy forever and forever. That is you, that is I. Us are we. Until we can free ourselves of the material and the selfishness we cannot be one. We cannot synch the galaxies combination to unlock the bliss we are truly capable of.